2019 PRCA Media Guide - Barrelmen and Bullfighters
Bryan Hope Barrelman/clown PRCAMEMBERSHIP: 1994. RESIDENCE: Ninety Six,
Keith Isley Barrelman/clown
NFR : 1998-2002, 2008-09. PRCA MEMBERSHIP : 1994. STYLE OF DRESS : red, white and blue shirts; baggy pants; red hat. VITALS : 6-1, 185 pounds. SPECIALTY ACTS : horse acts, dog acts, bull whips, trick roping. ACHIEVEMENTS : PRCA Clown of the Year, 2006-11, nominated, 2012-16; Coors Man in the Can, 2006, 2009-12; PRCA Specialty Act of the Year, 1999-2002, 2006; PRCA Comedy Act of the Year, 2001, 2004, 2009-11, 2013, nominated, 2008, 2012, 2014-16; RAM National Finals Circuit Rodeo specialty act and barrelman, 1999-2000, 2008, 2010, barrelman, 2014; RAM Prairie Circuit Finals Rodeo, 2013; Badlands Circuit Finals Rodeo, 2008; RAM Columbia River Circuit Finals Rodeo, 2007; RAMGreat Lakes Circuit Finals Rodeo, 2003; RAM First Frontier Circuit Finals Rodeo, 1999-2001, 2004-06, 2009, 2012, 2015; RAM Southeastern Circuit Finals Rodeo, 1996. RESIDENCE: Goldston, N.C. BORN : Oct. 9, 1957. FAMILY : wife, Melanie. ADDITIONAL INTERESTS : team roping, fishing, animal training. WEBSITE : www.KeithIsley.com. Robert “Blue” Jeanes Bullfighter PRCAMEMBERSHIP : 1996. STYLEOFDRESS : denim shirt, stars and stripes on baggies. VITALS : 5-9, 165 pounds. ACHIEVEMENTS : Texas High School State Finals, 1998. RESIDENCE: Winnie,Texas. BORN : Nov. 5, 1974. FAMILY : wife, Alicia. COLLEGE : Lee College (Baytown, Texas). OTHER OCCUPATION : used pipe sales. ADDITIONAL INTERESTS : raising bucking and fighting bulls. Nathan Jestes Bullfighter NFR: 2017. PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 2010. VITALS: 5-10, 195 pounds. ACHIEVEMENTS: nominated for Bullfighter of the Year, 2016; San Antonio (Texas) Stock Show, 2015-16; Dodge City (Kan.) Roundup Rodeo, 2015-16; Ellensburg (Wash.) Rodeo, 2013-16; Lewiston (Idaho) Roundup, 2014-16; Cody (Wyo.) Stampede, 2016. RESIDENCE: Douglas,Wyo. BORN: Sept. 17, 1987. FAMILY: wife, Bridget. COLLEGE: Montana State University-Bozeman. ADDITIONAL INTERESTS: golf, wakeboarding, hunting. Ethan Johnson Bullfighter PRCA MEMBERSHIP : 2018. RESIDENCE: Corona, N.M. BORN : May 30, 1995. Miles Jones Bullfighter PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 2013. RESIDENCE: Hickory, N.C. BORN: Oct. 11, 1990. Nick Kaup Bullfighter PRCAMEMBERSHIP: 2017. RESIDENCE: Nickerson, Neb. BORN: July 10, 1994.
S.C. BORN: Dec. 23, 1959. Clint Hopping Bullfighter
PRCA MEMBERSHIP: 2008. ACHIEVEMENTS: bullfighter, Texas Junior High Finals Rodeo, 2009- 2012; PRCA saddle bronc rider, contestant in RAM Texas Circuit Finals Rodeo in bareback and bull riding, 2009. RESIDENCE: Newcastle, Texas. BORN: May 21, 1987. FAMILY : single. COLLEGE : bachelor’s and master’s degrees in agriculture, Texas A&M. OTHER OCCUPATIONS : instructor, Sankey rodeo school; assistant ranch manager; horse trainer. ADDITIONALINTERESTS : fishing, hunting. WEBSITE : www.rodeogoods.com. Quirt Hunt Bullfighter PRCAMEMBERSHIP : 2002. STYLE OF DRESS : black hat, red and white striped shirt, blue baggies, white shoes. VITALS : 5-11, 175 pounds. ACHIEVEMENTS : RAMPrairie Circuit Finals Rodeo, 2003; RAMTurquoise Circuit Finals Rodeo, 2004, 2007;Tour Finale (Omaha, Neb.); 2004-06; National Western Stock Show & Rodeo (Denver), 2006-08; Pikes Peak or Bust Rodeo (Colorado Springs, Colo.), 2003-08. RESIDENCE: Lisco, Neb. BORN : Aug. 14, 1978. FAMILY : wife, Amber; daughter, Raylynn. OTHER OCCUPATIONS : ranch hand, horse trainer. ADDITIONAL INTERESTS : roping, fishing, hunting. Lane Hurst Bullfighter, barrelman/clown PRCAMEMBERSHIP : 1996. STYLE OF DRESS : green andwhitestripedshirtandsocks,blackshorts,Wrangler baggies. VITALS : 6-2, 200 pounds. RESIDENCE: Bedias, Texas. BORN : Aug. 24, 1966. FAMILY : wife, Sharese; sons, Braeden, Keegan; daughter, Annsley. COLLEGE : Blinn College (Brenham, Texas); Sam Houston State University (Huntsville, Texas), bachelor’s degree in criminal justice; master’s degree in digital forensics. OTHER OCCUPATION : police officer. ADDITIONAL INTERESTS : announcing, horses. Phill “Keystone Kid” Hussmann Bullfighter PRCA MEMBERSHIP : 2013. STYLE OF DRESS : traditional and jersey with shorts. ACHIEVEMENTS : RAM First Frontier Circuit Finals Rodeo, 2014-18; Gerry(N.Y.) Volunteer Firemen’s Rodeo, 2015-18; Cowtown Rodeos,Woodstown-Pilesgrove, N.J., 2013; Willowdale Pro Rodeo, Kennett Square, Pa., 2013; Adirondack Stampede Charity Rodeo, Glens Falls, N.Y., 2013. RESIDENCE: Columbia Cross Roads, Pa. BORN : Feb. 17, 1979. FAMILY : wife, Stacey; sons, Jacob andAJ. Tyson Hutchison Bullfighter PRCA MEMBERSHIP : 2015. RESIDENCE: Albion, Idaho. BORN : June 9, 1984.
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