2020 PRCA Annual Report

Rodeo Operations and Information Technology work together to make life easier and business more profitable for PRCA contestants, rodeo committees and all members of the organization. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY


NEWWEBSITE In October 2020, the PRCA launched a new and improved ProRodeo.com. The new website is specifically designed with mobile, or smartphone, traffic in mind. The site will automatically adjust to your device to better present PRCA news, results and standings in a form that fits the device being used. Additionally, the PRCA added the ability for user profiles to be created, allowing fans to follow their favorite contestants with a customized view of the homepage. Also, the PRCA will continue to streamline and improve the fan interaction on this site. As a result of this website launch, the old PRCA mobile application has been retired and removed from service. In 2020 IT continued to expand the content and information available on Pro- Rodeo.org: • Members can check on the latest news and announcements and learn about upcoming events, such as the Conventions. • Committees can access tools to help promote their rodeo. • Members can maintain their account information, renew their member- ship, manage their financial obligations, view rodeo openings and closings and much more. • Contract personnel can apply to work special events, such as the Wran- gler NFR or RAM Circuit Finals rodeos. They can also view the rodeos they worked at over the year. • Over 70,000 rodeo entries were completed online, as the PRCA expanded and transitioned to the online system as the primary method of entering. • To help offset high call volumes into PROCOM, IT launched RodeoSetup. com as a new website where contestants can check the setup of rodeos that are closing and entering the grace period. This website resulted in a significant and consistent drop in call volumes.

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0 10,000,000 20,000,000 30,000,000 40,000,000 50,000,000 60,000,000 70,000,000



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