2020 PRCA Committee Guide


CONTACT PRCA PROPERTIES 719.528.4860 Publicity & Promotional Materials

• Put in the work to initiate press coverage. It’s free, so you want as much press as possible.

• Let media know when and how to get a hold of you, and answer their requests as quickly as possible.

PRCA Logos

PRCA patches and volunteer shirts

• There are a range of story ideas you can pitch to reporters. For example, a few months before your rodeo, pitch a story about the preparations your committee is making for the rodeo. Allow a newspaper photographer to shoot arena preparations or let a TV station interview your rodeo president on the subject. Other ideas include: your rodeo’s economic impact, local contestant features and how animals are safeguarded during the event.

PRCA chute decals

PRCA banners

PRCA 3’ x 5’ flag for grand entries and victory laps Advice on marketing and branding

• Ask a newspaper to cover your rodeo’s results in the sports section.

• Very few reporters are rodeo experts. Offer your local media as much information as you can, especially about events and livestock welfare.


• For more information on media guidelines for rodeo coverage, visit ProRodeo.com and click on Media.

Media Guides

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT • Inform your town on your rodeo’s contributions to the community such as gifts to charities, scholarships and hosting other events.

ProRodeo Programs

Media CDs

Contestant interviews

• Share information on your sponsors and partners, such as local businesses that have donated to your rodeo.

ProRodeo Sports News subscription questions

• Provide information on the economic impact your rodeo has on the community.

Photo requests

Rodeo records

• Visit a school and talk to kids about the western lifestyle, the sport of rodeo and why it’s exciting. Bring along a rodeo queen or contestant.



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