2020 PRCA Committee Guide

WEBSITE & EMAIL BLASTS • You should have a website for your rodeo. Include its URL (eg., www.yourrodeo.com) with your approval forms so that it will be posted on ProRodeo.com’s rodeo schedule page.

• At minimum, your website should include your rodeo dates, location, schedule, ticket prices and contact information.

• Tell your local fairs, state and county tourism agencies about your website and ask them to link to it. Also link it to your social media accounts.

• If you have some way to collect your audience’s e-mail addresses, you can use programs such as Constant Contact to set up e-mail blasts (promotional e-mails sent to a mass of recipents) to promote your rodeo. SOCIAL MEDIA Please follow and like the PRCA’s social media accounts and tag the PRCA in any applicable posts to help cross-promote your event. We recommend setting up a Facebook, Twitter and Instagram account for your rodeo.


• Keep text short and concise in posts. • Always post a picture or video for fan engagement.

• Shorten any URL’s you are sharing (bit.ly is a great service). • Post consistently leading up to your rodeo (at least once a day). • Social media coverage during your rodeo is key for fan engagement. • Utilize hashtags (#WeAreProRodeo), giveaways, tagging, and getting people to share your posts. • Please refer to our social media policy on ProRodeo.com for do’s and don’ts.

To view the most updated version of the PRCA’s Social Media Policy scan the code on the left or visit prorodeo.com/social- media-policy.



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