2023 PRCA Media Guide - All Chapters


Jess Pope Reaches ProRodeo Summit

Jess Pope spent the previous three years training and performing to reach this zenith, which remained tantalizingly within arm’s reach. With the support of fellow cowboys, he never stopped believing and everything about his ability and resume suggested he could pull it off. So, it should have come as no surprise that Pope became the 2022 bareback PRCA World Champion. It was the only thing left after winning the NFR average three consecutive years, including in 2022, and finishing in third and second place, respectively. Still, when Pope peeked his head over the final rung of the proverbial ladder, it was a goose bumps moment. “This is awesome,” the 24-year-old said. “The emotions right now, there isn’t anything like this. It is just so rewarding. I worked my whole life for this, and it finally came true.” Pope, a Waverly, Kan., cowboy, entered Las Vegas as anything but a secret. His consistency is impossible to miss at the sport’s biggest event. But his talent and drive remain as inspiring as his work ethic. He wasn’t about to miss out on another gold buckle. He delivered a solid 81.5-point score on Frontier Rodeo’s Southern Star in Round 10. Not only did it clinch the average, but it shoved him past

Kaycee Feild for the crown. Pope earned $390,620, a figure reflective of his stature in the sport. “I knew I had it in me. It was just about letting the cards falling where they were supposed to and doing what I was supposed to,” Pope said. “Everything worked out. It was God’s plan. It is gratifying to get here and to be able to win is even better. When you are day working or anything, whatever you have in front of you, you have to get it done. It doesn’t matter the circumstances.” Pope placed in eight of 10 rounds. His high score came in round seven on Big Stone Rodeo Inc.’s Mayhem with an 89, which netted him $28,914. “I had never been on that horse. I’ve seen him go a lot and I’ve seen him buck a lot and I always thought that was a bucking son of gun,”Pope said. With cowboys, there is separation in the prepa ration. This is career defined by rolled up sleeves. It also requires, even with success, a healthy dose of humility. “My mindset is I have the best job in the world, and I’m just tickled to be here,”Pope said.“Whatever happens is going to happen and it sure beats the heck out of having to show up to an office every day and I’m thankful to get to ride bucking horses for a living.” – Brady Renck


PRCA ProRodeo photo by Hailey Rae

Bareback rider Jess Pope reached the PRCA World Championship summit for the first time in his career.



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