PRCA Business Journal - August 9, 2019
Caleb Bennett Matt Sherwood Jerome Schneeberger Matt Reeves Jacobs Crawley Cody Rostockyj J.P. Wickett All Event Representatives now have their own e-mail address if you would like to contact them directly.
Effective Immediately, PRCA members that have been registered by CINCH with PRCA Properties for participa- tion in the PRCA Patch Program as of August 17, 2018 are now allowed to wear CINCH branded apparel in a PRCA Competition Arena or at a PRCA Special Event, provided that such branding conforms to the size and locations specified in the PRCA Patch Program Rules. This modification is being made in accordance with PRCA Bylaw B1.2.6 and specifically modifies Part 1 Section II.F. and Part 2 Section I.F. of the “Rules and Regulations Governing Advertising in an Arena or Competition Area” (PRCA Patch Rules). Note that PRCA Contract Personnel Member Participants must still comply with Part 2 Section V.B. regarding conflicts with the rodeo committee’s own sponsorships. These revisions shall be a part of the revised PRCA Patch Rules which shall be published on or before September 30, 2018. 2019 TENTATIVE CIRCUIT FINALS DATES & LOCATIONS Circuit Cut-off Dates Dates # Perfs Location BL/SR July 28, 2018 Aug. 18 1 Deadwood, SD Mtn. St./SR TBD TBD 1 TBD MT/SR August 22, 2018 Sept. 21 1 Selisia, MT CR/SR TBD TBD 1 Athena, OR Turquoise September 4, 2019 Oct. 4-5 3 Prescott, AZ Badlands September 4, 2019 Oct. 4-6 4 Minot, ND California September 4, 2019 Oct. 4-6 3 Lancaster, CA Prairie September 17, 2019 Oct. 17-19 3 Duncan, OK Mountain States September 24, 2019 Oct. 24-26 3 Loveland, CO Wilderness September 30, 2019 Oct. 31 - Nov. 2 3 Heber City, UT Southeastern September 30, 2019 Nov. 7-9 3 Davie, FL Great Lakes September 30, 2019 Nov. 14-16 3 Louisville, KY Texas September 30, 2019 Jan. 2-4, 2020 3 Waco, TX First Frontier September 30, 2019 Jan. 9-11, 2020 3 Harrisburg, PA Col. River September 30, 2019 Jan. 10-12, 2020 3 Yakima, WA Montana September 30, 2019 Jan. 10-12, 2020 3 Great Falls, MT **Please note this information is subject to change. Please refer to the PRCA Business Journal for official information
ATTENTION MEMBERS No duplicate award buckles (i.e. NFR go-round) will be made by Montana Silversmiths except under extenuating circumstances, and then a letter will have to be submitted to the Properties Dept. If a request is accepted, the charge for the buckle will be retail. There will be no award buckles made that are not listed in the PRCA/ Montana Silversmiths contract. Then again, if an exception is to be made, it will have to be authorized by the Properties Dept.
ATTENTION ALL CONTESTANTS The 2019 Circuit Required Participation Counts have been adjusted. Please review the counts located in the PRCA Business Section of the PBJ.
PROCOM HOURS PROCOM winter hours will begin August 26th @ 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
THE FOLLOWING WILL BE EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY FOR THE 2019/2020 SEASON The 2019 individual Circuit Finals Steer Roping events (Badlands, Columbia River, Montana, Mountain States, Prairie, Texas, Turquoise) and the 2020 National Circuit Finals Steer Roping will count toward the 2020 World Standings and qualifications. These events will be Official Entry Rodeos (contestant must designate unofficial). If a contestant has not met the required participation count it will be an automatic unofficial entry rodeo for that contestant and will not count toward 2020 World Stand- ings or qualification rodeos. For any Steer Roping Circuit Finals Rodeo that occurs prior to the 2019 regular season cutoff date, money won at those circuit finals rodeos will count toward the 2020 World Standings and qualifications. Official money won at the 2019 Circuit Finals Steer Roping and the 2020 National Circuit Finals Steer Roping will not count toward the All-Around.
As of October 1, 2019 (beginning of 2020 season) the long listings will no longer be provided in the ProRodeo Sports News Business Journal section of the monthly publication. The business journal long listings will be available in our official online digital issues updated bi-weekly.
THE NOMINATION PROCESS FOR PICK UP MAN OF THE YEAR WILL OCCUR AUGUST 19-23, 2019 All NFR eligible pickup men (those that meet the 8/20 rodeo count and are financially eligible) and all competing bareback and saddle bronc card holders may nominate one person to be the PRCA Pickup Man of the Year. Nominations will be taken through PROCOM beginning at 8:30 AM, Monday, August 19, 2019 and will end at 5:00 PM MDT, Friday, August 23, 2019. Once the top five nominees are established, the final vote will take place with the year-end online voting process later this year. This is not for determining NFR pick up man, this is for the year end awards process.
ProRodeo Sports News 8/9/2019
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