PRCA Business Journal - December 23, 2022
2023 Rules Expedited 2023 Rules New R10.8.3.1 Crossfires . At rodeos where three judges are assigned, the field flag judge and the third judge will both be responsible for identifying crossfires. Both the field flag judge and the third judge must agree that a run is a crossfire before the team will be disqualified. Adopted by BOD 9/22 Expedited Change R5.4.2 Timed Events . Amounts listed herein for team roping shall be per man. Tiedown Roping, Steer Wrestling, Team Roping (per man), Steer Roping: $000-$2,999.99 pays four places to be divided 40 percent, 30 percent, 20 percent, 10 percent. $3,000- $6,999.99 pays six places to be divided 29 percent, 24 percent, 19 percent, 14 percent, 9 percent, 5 percent. $7,000 or more pays eight places to be divided 23 percent, 20 percent, 17 percent, 14 percent, 11 percent, 8 percent, 5 percent, 2 percent. Any-one-head timed event (without a finals or average) with total payout of $12,500-$22,500 pays ten places to be divided 17 percent, 15 percent, 13 percent, 11 percent, 10 percent, 9 percent, 8 percent, 7 percent, 6 percent, 4 percent; $22,501- $30,000 pays twelve places to be divided 17 percent, 15 percent, 13 percent, 11 percent, 9 percent, 8 percent, 7 percent, 6 percent, 5 percent, 4 percent, 3 percent, 2 percent; $30,000 or more pays fifteen places to be divided 15 percent, 13 percent, 12 percent, 10 percent, 9 percent, 8 percent, 7 percent, 6 percent, 5 percent, 4 percent, 3.5 percent, 3 percent, 2 percent, 1.5 percent, 1 percent. Adopted by BOD 9/22 Expedited 2023 Rules Delete R1.6.2 Draw out of Another Event. A multi-event contestant may be allowed to draw out of one event by virtue of a parameter if drawn out of another event. (EXAMPLE: “Out if two in bareback, then draw me out of bull riding also.”) (PRCA Staff 3/21) BOD Tabled 08/2022 Delete R1.6.3 Parameters Specifying “Out If Less Than.” “Out-if-less-than (specified number) of contestants” will only be accepted with the specified number stated in increments of five. (EXAMPLE: Out if less than 10, 15, etc.) For purposes of this Rule, the total number of contestants in an event shall include the contestant specifying the parameter. (PRCA Staff 3/21) BOD Tabled 08/2022 2023 Bylaws B 2.5 Non-contestant Card Members. New B2.5.15 PRCA Technology Provider. A PRCA Technology Provider shall be defined as the individual that provides videography/video services, scoreboards, radio, streaming or television services at any PRCA rodeo performance. Each PRCA Technology Provider shall obtain his or her own membership status OR may obtain a company card to cover company contractors or employees. All laborers (e.g. cameramen, video board operators) must be covered under the company card or separately as an active insured member. (Contract Personnel Executive Council 9/20) BOD Tabled 08/2022 New B2.5.15.1 Dues and Fees. Annual dues, fees, and insurance premiums shall be the same as for Contestant Card Members. PRCA Technology Provider Companies will pay the equivalent of one membership for annual dues and fees and the equivalent of five insurance premiums. (Contract Personnel Executive Council 9/20) BOD Tabled 08/2022 New B2.5.15.2 Insurance Fee. Technology Provider shall be subject to the insurance fee as set forth in Section B2.5.1.3. (Contract Personnel Executive Council 9/20) BOD Tabled 08/2022 New B2.5.15.3 Application. Applicants for Non-contestant Card Member-Technology Provider endorsement must submit a completed PRCA application to the PRCA. (Contract Personnel Executive Council 9/20) BOD Tabled 08/2022 New B2.5.15.4 Multi-Tasking. Once a performance or slack has commenced, Technology Providers may not perform any other duty except that single role (e.g. Music Director and Video Board Operator.) Failure to do so will result in a $500 fine per occurrence. (Contract Personnel Executive Council 9/20) BOD Tabled 08/2022
ProRodeo Sports News 12/23/2022
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