PRCA Business Journal - December 24, 2021

The top 24 in the average after the first two go- rounds will advance to a progressive go-round which will consist of the 17th, 18th, and 19th performances occurring on Saturday, January 22 (8 per performance). Contestants will be randomly drawn into the 24 available positions. If ties result in more than 24 contestants qualified to advance, the tie will be broken by the single highest score in a go-round. If still tied, all will be accepted. The top 4 from each of the progressives performances will advance to the Finals on Sunday, January 23 (20th performance). If ties in a progressive performance result in more than 4 contestants qualified to advance, the contestant ranked highest in the average at that point will advance. If still tied, the tie will be broken by the single highest score in a go-round. If still tied, the tie will be broken by the second highest single score in a go-round. If still tied, all will be accepted. If there are less than 4 qualified rides in one or more of the progressive performances, the contestant with the next highest score in the other progressive performances, who has not already qualified in the top 4 of his respective performance, will advance. If there are less than 12 total qualified rides in the three progressive performances, the remaining positions in the Finals (not to exceed 12) will be filled by the contestant with the highest ranking in the average after the first two go-rounds. If there is a tie, the contestant with the highest single score in either go-round will advance. PAY-OFF: After the 6% is retained for the PRCA, 20% of the total remaining purse will be allotted to each of the first two go-rounds, 35% will be allotted for all three of the progressive performances (one third of the 35% to each performance), and 25% will be allotted for the finals. The first two go-rounds and the finals will pay 8 places in accordance with the rulebook. The three progressive performances will each pay 4 places. If there are less than 4 qualified rides or times in a progressive performance, the remaining places will be paid based on rankings in the average after the first two go-rounds. If there are less than 8 qualified rides or times in the finals, the remaining places will be paid based on the highest scores or fastest times in the progressive performances. If there are still less than 8 contestants who did not have a qualified score or time in either the finals or a progressive performance, the remaining places will be paid based on the highest ranking in the average after the first two go-rounds. All money paid out for the progressive performances and the finals will count towards PRCA World Standings. STK. CONT.: THE CERVI BROTHERS SUB. CONT.: BAILEY PRORODEO BURCH RODEO CERVI CHAMPIONSHIP RODEO FETTIG PRORODEO ROCKY MOUNTAIN RODEO 4L & DIAMOND S RODEO PLAYOFF SERIES DENVER CO JANUARY 13-23 NATIONAL WESTERN STOCK SHOW AND RODEO - TIMED EVENTS ARENA: Denver Coliseum ADDRESS: 4600 Humboldt St. PERFS: 20 Perfs: January 13-7:00 PM; January 14-1:30 PM; January 14-7:30 PM; January 15- 11:00 AM; January 15-3:30 PM; January 15-8:00 PM; January 16-2:00 PM; January 16-6:30 PM; January 17-1:00 PM; January 18-7:00 PM; January 19-1:30 PM; January 19-7:00 PM; January 20- 10:30 AM; January 20-7:00 PM; January 21-1:30 EOO: 10:00 AM MDT DECEMBER 6 EC: 10:00 AM MDT DECEMBER 8

PM; January 21-7:30 PM; January 22-11:00 AM; January 22-3:30 PM; January 22-8:00 PM; January 23-2:00 PM EVENTS: TD SW TR-HD TR-HL @ $53875 SPECIAL ENTRY FEES: TD-$375; SW-$375; TR- $375 PERMITS: TD SW TR GROUND RULES: Only actual contestant and one companion allowed gate access. Contestant parking will be for contestants only. ALL EVENTS - The “30-hour replacement” rule will be in effect. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. TRADE DEADLINE - THUR., Jan. 6 at 5 PM. All confirmed trades will be final and will be processed Immediately after both involved parties have confirmed through PROCOM. ALL QUALIFYING CONTESTANTS - Will have a grace period to change preferences and/or buddy groups Tues., Dec. 21, between 8:30 AM and 2 PM. No draw outs will be accepted during this grace period. ALL CONTESTANTS - Must check-in at the trailer located in the southeast corner of the contestant parking lot and sign a release of liability before competing. Each contestant will be given a back number, which must be worn and/or displayed at all times in the competition arena and surrounding backstage areas. ALL CONTESTANTS WITH HORSES - Must have proof of current Coggins Test and health papers prior to stalling horses and will be asked to fill out a Participation Declaration. No exceptions. STALLS - All stalls will be available to contestants at $20 per night beginning on Wed., Jan. 12th. First come, first served. Stalling overflow will be at Jefferson Co. Fairgrounds. Parking of contestants’ vehicles and horse trailers must be in area designated by the NWSS parking lot operator. TD - There will be a disqualification for a jerk down as long as all criteria are in compliance with the jerk down policy. TR - Only two loops TE - If a timed event animal escapes (or a re-run is due for any other reason) the extra will be used. Only escaped animals go back into the herd. TD, SW, TR - There will be one animal for every entry plus adequate extras. QUALIFICATIONS: TD, SW, TR - 80 minimum entries. No compensation. No slack. No exemptions. The top 30 from 2021 money won, the top 5 from 2022 money won, and the top 5 from 2021 Mountain States circuit standings (who have not already qualified in the previous two categories) who enter will be accepted. 40 contestants (or teams) will advance from the qualifier. If a contestant qualifies in both the 2021 and the 2022 money won categories, he will assume the position among the 2021 qualifiers. FORMAT: Two go-rounds, back-to-back, perf to perf, will fill the first 16 performances (10 per performance). The top 24 in the average after the first two go-rounds will advance to a progressive go-round which will consist of the 17th, 18th, and 19th performances occurring on Saturday, January 22 (8 per performance). Contestants will be randomly drawn into to the 24 available positions. If ties result in more than 24 contestants (or teams) qualified to advance, the tie will be broken by the single fastest time in a go-round. If still tied, all will be accepted. The top 4 from each of the progressive performances will advance to the finals on Sunday, January 23 (20th performance). If ties in a progressive performance result in more than 4 contestants qualified to advance, the contestant ranked highest in the average at that point will advance. If still tied, the tie will be broken by the single fastest time in a go-round. If still tied, all will be accepted. If there are less than 4 qualified times

in one or more of the progressive performances, the contestant with the next fastest time in the other progressive performances, who has not already qualified in the top 4 of his respective performance, will advance. If there are less than 12 total qualifies times in the three progressive performances, the remaining positions in the finals (not to exceed 12) will be filled by the contestant with the highest ranking in the average after the first two go-rounds. If there is a tie, the contestant with the fastest single time in either go-round will advance. PAY-OFF: After the 6% is retained for the PRCA, 20% of the total remaining purse will be allotted to each of the first two go-rounds, 35% will be allotted for all three of the progressive performances (one third of the 35% to each performance), and 25% will be allotted for the finals. The first two go-rounds and the finals will pay 8 places in accordance with the rulebook. The three progressive performances will each pay 4 places. If there are less than 4 qualified rides or times in a progressive performance, the remaining places will be paid based on rankings in the average after the first two go-rounds. If there are still less than 8 contestants who did not have a qualified score or time in the finals, the remaining places will be paid based on the highest ranking in the average after the first two go-rounds and the progressive. All money paid out for the progressive performances and the finals will count towards PRCA World Standings. COLUMBUS OH NPP JANUARY 15 CINCH WORLD’S TOUGHEST RODEO ARENA: Nationwide Arena ADDRESS: 200 W. Nationwide Blvd PERFS: 1 Perf: January 15-7:30 PM EVENTS: BB SB BR @ $10000 PERMITS: BB SB BR GROUND RULES: ALL EVENTS - The “30- hour replacement” and “walk-up replacement” policies will be in effect. The deadline for “walk- up replacement” will be two hours prior to the performance. The alternate will compete on the animal that is drawn for the contestant that he is replacing. GRACE PERIOD - Will expire one hour after entries close. ALL EVENTS - Re-entries will be accepted on Mon., Jan. 10 between 9 AM and 11 AM for any available positions. QUALIFICATIONS: BB, SB, BR - 12 minimum entries. No compensation. No slack. (See R1.2.15, R1.2.15.1, and R1.2.15.2). One go-round with the first and second place contestants each performance advancing to a bonus round during that same performance. If the first and/or second place contestant declines advancement to the bonus round, the contestant with the next highest score will advance (if the next highest score is tied, a flip of a coin will determine who advances). If there are 8 or less entries per performance at the time that the entries close, the committee has the option to cancel the event or have two go-rounds, back-to-back, same performance. If two go-rounds, the number of entries accepted during the re-entry period will not exceed one half of the original limit. PAY-OFF: The long go-round will be paid off per the rulebook. $1,000 per performance will be held out of the total purse for the bonus round(s). Winner takes all in the bonus round(s). If there are STK. CONT.: THE CERVI BROTHERS EOO: 10:00 AM MDT DECEMBER 6 EC: 10:00 AM MDT DECEMBER 8 WTR



ProRodeo Sports News 12/24/2021

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