PRCA Business Journal - Jan. 21, 2022
(12). $5000 held out for finals. No slack. TD, SW, TR - W/F’s (12). STK. CONT.: BEUTLER & SON RODEO EOO: 10:00 AM MDT JANUARY 24 EC: 10:00 AM MDT JANUARY 26
a contestant notifies a turn-out and is replaced by an alternate, the event will not count for the official rodeo count for the turned-out contestant. If he is not replaced the event will count towards the official rodeo count. In the case of a non-notified turn-out, the event will count towards the official rodeo count. If a contestant turns-out of a Div. 1 event after the stock draw and a replacement is not found, he will be charged a $500 turn-out fine. STOCK DRAW: Stock will be drawn at least performances prior to the event. The event will count towards the official rodeo count for any contestant that turns-out after stock callbacks, whether the contestant is replaced or not. After all replacements have been made, any remaining available animals that were turned-out (includes DR’s and VIR’s) will be used as re-rides prior to using the designated re-ride(s). In the event that more re-rides are awarded than there are re-rides drawn, additional re-rides will be drawn from the animals in that pen (R10. If a re-ride is awarded, re-ride shall be taken in the long-go sections before the final round begins. FINALS STOCK: The order of the bulls to be used in the finals of an X-bulls event will be randomly drawn by the judges and listed in order on the judges’ sheets prior to the first go- round of competition. The contestant with the lowest score will be listed first and the contestant with the highest score will be listed last with an animal already designated to the position. The order of any ties will be determined by a random draw by the judges. HONEST EFFORT: At any Div. 1 Xtreme Bull Riding Event, a contestant must make an honest effort to compete on the stock drawn for such contestant. If in the opinion of the Pro Official, the contestant has the opportunity to nod for the bull and does not, the contestant will be disqualified and suspended for the next two Div. 1 Xtreme Bull Riding Events. The determination of the Pro Official will be final. In addition to the disqualification, the fine will progressively double for each reoccurring offense. ALL CONTESTANTS - All contestants must be ready when called by judges and/or Chute Boss (in agreement with judges). Fines will be given at $250 for first offense and progressively doubling with each subsequent offense, and/or may be disqualified by the judges. If an individual is taking advantage of contestants in that event and/or the livestock and/or the rodeo production and/or not cooperating with the chute boss’ and judges’ instructions resulting in an attempt to cheat or influence the results of the event, to include but not limited to causing an animal to act up or be unruly in the chute in order to receive a re-ride, that individual will be disqualified by the judges from that round, and for subsequent offenses will be disqualified by the judges from that event for the remainder of the rodeo. Ready when called is defined as: BR - Contestant must be pulling rope when previous bull leaves the arena. Payoff for the San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo will be done through the PRCA office. All contestants must sign a release of liability with the secretary before competing in this rodeo. PAY-OFF: Payoff will be determined on highest marked scores. Pay-off for long go-round: 1st - $2,500, 2nd $2,250, 3rd $2,000, 4th $1,500, 5th $1,000, 6th $750. Pay-off for finals: 1st $7,500, 2nd $4,500, 3rd $3,000. Money won by any contestant in the finals will count toward PRCA World standings, Xtreme Bulls Tour standings, and Rookie of the Year standings. (Provided the contestant has entered and competed at a minimum of forty (40) PRCA rodeos). Money won by a drawn back contestant in the finals will not count toward All Around standings or circuit
standings, nor will this event be applied to a contestants required circuit participation count. ALL CONTESTANTS - If not enough contestants qualify for the number of places to be paid in an event, the remaining places shall be divided evenly among those contestants who did qualify (have a score), and the money will be posted as Championship points and count towards National Finals Rodeo qualification. If no one qualifies for prize money in an event, the prize money will be divided evenly among all who competed, and this money shall be considered ground money and will not be posted as Championship points and will not count towards National Finals Rodeo qualification. NOTE - The event champion will be determined by most money won at the San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo Division 1 Xtreme Bulls Event. NOTE: In order for money won in Xtreme Bulls competition to count for the 2022 National Finals Rodeo or the 2022 Rookie of the Year Standings, during the 2022 season, a contestant must have entered and competed at a minimum of forty (40) PRCA rodeos. Money won will count for the PRCA World Standings and the Xtreme Bulls Standings. It will not count for All Around standings or circuit standings, nor will the event be applied to a contestants required participation count. STK. CONT.: VARIOUS ARENA: Reaves Arena ADDRESS: 401 Larry Walker Pkwy PERFS: 3 Perfs: February 24-7:30 PM; February 25-7:30 PM; February 26-7:30 PM EVENTS: BB SB TD SW TR-HD TR-HL @ $3580 BR @ $7160 PERMITS: BB SB BR TD SW TR GROUND RULES: Only actual contestants and one companion allowed gate access. ALL EVENTS - The “30-hour replacement” rule will be in effect. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. ALL EVENTS - Re-entries will be accepted for available positions on Thurs., Feb. 17 between 9 AM and 11 AM. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. TRADE DEADLINE - Wed., Feb. 16 at 5 PM. All confirmed trades will be final and will be processed immediately after both involved parties have confirmed through PROCOM. ALL CONTESTANTS WITH HORSES - Must have proof of Coggins Test and health papers. No Contestants allowed on grounds until days of performance. STALLS - No horses allowed overnight unless kept in a stall. Stall rental $10 per day. QUALIFICATIONS: BB & SB - 36 minimum entries. No compensation. No slack. BR - 45 minimum entries. No compensation. No slack. EOO: 10:00 AM MDT JANUARY 19 EC: 10:00 AM MDT JANUARY 24 PERRY GA FEBRUARY 24-26 GEORGIA NATIONAL RODEO
ARENA: AT&T CENTER ADDRESS: 1 AT&T Center Pkwy PERFS: 1 Perf: February 22- 7:00 PM EVENTS: BR @ $25000 PERMITS: None
GROUND RULES: Only actual contestant and one companion allowed gate access. Any contestant who turns-out of the San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo or the San Antonio Xtreme Bulls Event without a valid doctor release or visible injury will not be eligible to enter the San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo or the San Antonio Xtreme Bulls Event in 2023. ALL CONTESTANTS - If a contestant’s actions are deemed detrimental to the PRCA, the San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo, or rodeo in general, that contestant will not be accepted as an entry at San Antonio in 2023. COMPETITION FORMAT: One 40 contestant go- round with top 8 finals (will not exceed 8). If there are not 8 qualified rides, all remaining positions will be filled by random draw by the judges. If the 8th qualifier is tied going into the final round, the tie will be broken by the back judge. If he cannot break the tie, all tied contestants will draw chips to see who advances to the finals. QUALIFICATIONS: 40 maximum entries. No compensation. No slack. No entry fees. A total of forty (40) contestants will be eligible for the Division 1 Xtreme Bulls Event on February 22, 2022. The twenty (20) contestants who advance to the Semifinals will automatically qualify and be entered for the Xtreme Bulls competition. The next twenty (20) highest earners from the 2022 San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo PRCA Bull Riding will qualify and be entered for the Xtreme Bulls competition. If not enough contestants earn money in the PRCA rodeo to qualify for Xtreme Bulls competition, remaining positions will be filled based on 2021 PRCA World Standings. CHECK-IN: Contestants must check-in or notify arena secretary 1 hour prior to the start of the event. Failure to do so will result in an alternate contestant being selected and allowed to compete. ALTERNATES: Alternates will be selected from a list established by PROCOM based on 2021 money won. The 10 contestants who were accepted as entries for the San Antonio Rodeo but were not accepted for the X-bulls Event will be the first alternates to be considered based on 2021 money won. Next on the alternate list will be contestants who were drawn out of the rodeo due to qualifications based on their 2021 money won. A contestant who is placed in a position at another PRCA rodeo or event that conflicts with the San Antonio Xtreme Bulls Event will not be eligible to be used as an alternate. A contestant who had originally entered and was eligible at the time of entry may check-in with or call the arena secretary no later than 1 hour prior to the performance to confirm his availability and desire to be an alternate. If selected, an alternate will assume the competition position of the contestant that he is replacing and if stock has been drawn, he will receive the stock drawn by that contestant. If
ARENA: Heartland Event ADDRESS: 700 E. Stolley Park Rd. PERFS: 1 Perf: February 25- 7:30 PM EVENTS: BR @ $10000
ProRodeo Sports News 1/21/2022
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