PRCA Business Journal - January, 10, 2020
finals if he entered. If the contestant who won second in the average at that respective circuit finals is already placed in a positions after the original placement, he will retain that position and the next highest ranked contestant based on 2019 money won will be accepted. BB, SB - Contestants will not be disqualified for failing to spur-out a horse. BB, SB, BR - Any contestant awarded a re-ride option and whose equipment is broken must immediately repair and/or find replacement equipment. TD - There will be a disqualification for a jerkdown as long as all criteriare in compliance with the jerk down policy (passed by the Board Sept. 18th). ALL CONTESTANTS - Must compete in all brackets and rounds in order to advance to the wild card, semi-finals and/or finals ( does not include DR’s or VIR’s). RE - Riding event stock will be drawn 48 hours prior to the first round of each bracket. All trades must be confirmed prior to the stock draw for the first go-round of each bracket. RE - Two re-rides will be available (and on site) for each round for each of the riding events. In addition, two more re-rides will be designated to be used “only if needed”, in the case that one or more of the two originally designated re-rides are used to replace a sick or injured animal that was drawn by a contestant. If in the event that more re- rides are awarded than there are re- ride animals available, additional re- rides will be drawn from animals in the re-ride pool. RE - Riding event pens and re-ride orders to be set by FWSSR producer. Rodeo producer will consult with RE representatives when selecting RE stock. FORMAT - All events. 18 total performances - 7 brackets of eight (8) contestants competing in 2 rounds back to back which will account for the first 14 performances, 1 Wild Card round for performance 15, 2 Semi-Finals of 1 round each for performances 16 and 17 and 1 Finals round for performance 18. The top 2 money winners (14 total) in each bracket will advance to compete in one round of the semi-finals (8 contestants or teams per performance). The third top money winner (7 total) in each bracket will advance to the Wild Card round which will also consist of one round. The remaining non-qualifiers from each bracket that did not advance will be placed into a pool of non-qualifiers. At the conclusion of bracket 7, the top money winner from the pool of non- qualifiers will advance to the Wild Card round to fill the number 8 position in that round. The top two money winners from the Wild Card round will advance to one round of the semi-finals. No previous times or scores will be carried forward. The qualifiers for the two semi- finals performances will be seeded as follows: Semi-Finals number one (performance 16): #1 money winner from bracket 1, #2 money winner from bracket 2, #1 money winner from bracket 3, #2 money winner from bracket 4, #1 money winner from bracket 5, #2 money winner from bracket 6, #1 money winner from bracket 7, #1 money winner from Wild Card round. Semi-Finals number two (performance 17): #2 money winner from bracket 1, #1 money winner from bracket 2, #2 money winner from bracket 3, #1 money winner from bracket 4, #2 money winner from bracket 5, #1 money winner from bracket 6, #2 money winner from bracket 7, #2 money winner from Wild Card round. The actual competition order will be drawn from randomly. Qualifying contestants or teams will have until the start of the 7th bracket to trade positions with another contestant from their bracket for the semi-finals. Contestants or teams qualifying in the 7th and final
not enter, that position will be filled by the next highest ranked contestant who entered based on 2019 money won. There will be four positions reserved during the original position placement for Fort Worth after entries close on December 23 for the Circuit Finals average winners for the Texas, First Frontier, Columbia River, and Montana circuits, since these circuit finals do not occur until after the entries close for Fort Worth. The actual competition order within the performances for the contestant who wins the average at one of these circuit finals is already placed in a position at Fort Worth after the original qualification and placement, he will retain that position and the positions for the circuit finals champion will be filled by the next highest ranked contestant based on 2019 money won. TR - 56 maximum entries. Only two loops allowed. No compensation. No exemptions. No slack. E/F’s $250. The top 43 headers based on 2019 money won as a header only, the top 43 heelers based on 2019 money won as a heeler only, that enter will be accepted. The circuit finals champion header of each of the 13 PRCA circuits, and the circuit finals champion heeler of each of the 13 PRCA circuits will be accepted. If the circuit finals champion in an event does not enter, the contestant ranked second in the average at the circuit finals will be accepted. If neither the circuit champion or the 2nd place contestant (in the average) enter, that position will be filled by the next highest ranked contestant who entered based on 2019 money won. If a contestant qualifies in both categories, 2019 money won and as a circuit finals champion, he will assume the position among the 2019 money won qualifiers and the position for the circuit final champion will be filled by the contestant who won second in the average at that respective circuit finals if he entered. If the second placed contestant did not enter, that position will be filled by the next highest ranked contestant who entered based on 2019 money won. The 56 headers that qualify must rope with the 56 heelers that qualify. If a contestant’s partner is drawn out due to qualification, the contestant who qualified will not be allowed to draw out. A replacement partner will be drawn at random from the other contestants whose partners were drawn out due to qualification. In the team roping, if a header or heeler notifies a TO, VIR, DR, or DO prior to the 30-hour deadline, leaving an incomplete team, the next contestant in the corresponding category (header or heeler) on the alternate list of contestants that were drawn out due to qualification, will be added to the team (any TO, VIR, or DR notification made through PROCOM will be final). If a notification is not made prior to the 30-hour deadline, the remaining partner may select another partner from among any of the PRCA event contestants already entered at the rodeo, except those scheduled to compete in the TR. No partners can be replaced after a team has competed in round 1 of each bracket. ALL CONTESTANTS - There will be four positions reserved during the original position placement for Fort Worth after the entries close on December 23 for the circuit finals average winner for the Texas, First Frontier, Columbia River, and Montana circuits, since these circuit finals do not occur until after the entries close for Forth Worth. the actual competition order within the performances for the contestants who are placed in these positions will be determined by random draw. If the contestant who won the average at one of these circuit finals is already placed in a position at Fort Worth after the original qualification and placement, he will retain that position and the position for the circuit finals champion will be filled by the contestant who won second in the average at the respective circuit
44 at Harley Avenue and Trail Drive - 3350 Trail Drive, Fort Worth, TX 76107. FWSSR staff will provide further directions on parking at this point. Unload horses and tack in stalls provided. Trailers must be moved immediately to the designated contestant parking lot. Contestant parking lot is secured 24 hours a day. Any trailer unhooked from vehicle that is not within the designated contestant parking lot will be towed at owner’s expense. Vehicles will park in designated contestant parking lot. Overnight camping on show ground will only be allowed in the designated contestant parking lot. RV hookups will be available at no charge in contestant parking lot, Gate 52, for a maximum period of 24 hours around the contestant’s scheduled performance(s). Contestants will be allowed into the contestant parking lot on a first come, first served basis - no reservations accepted. ALL EVENTS - Hazers, pushers, rope pullers, saddle/rigging cinchers and contestant assistants not entered will obtain credentials from the rodeo secretary’s office. To obtain credentials, the individual(s) must be a member of the PRCA with PRCA insurance dues paid for the current year. Individuals without the proper credentials will not be permitted onto the floor level of Dickies Arena, into the rodeo arena, behind the bucking chutes, behind the timed event boxes or in any support alley’s or facilities. ALL CONTESTANTS WITH HORSES - Must have Certificate of Veterinary Inspection issued within thirty (30) days and negative Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) test, also known as a “Coggins” test, within the past twelve (12) months. Proof of Coggins test must be presented in either the original document or copy of the original document that has been approved by the Texas Animal Health Commission. Test date, accession number and name of laboratory must be listed on the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection. Exemption: Equine may enter shows, fairs, exhibitions or assemblies without a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection when accompanied by a valid equine interstate passport or equine identification card and a completed VA form 10-11 showing negative results to an official EIA test within the previous six (6) months. STALLS - Contestants shall stall their horses in Dickies Arena stalling area set aside for rodeo contestants. If demand of stalls exceeds supply of stalls in Dickies Arena, contestants will be directed to the Horse Show Office where, upon availability, they will be assigned a stall(s) for their use. Stalls will be available at no charge for a maximum period of 24 hours around the contestant’s performance(s). Horses must be stalled in assigned stalls. Horses are not to be stalled or tied to livestock pens or warmup arena panels. QUALIFICATIONS: BB, SB, BR , TD & SW - 56 maximum entries. No compensation. No exemptions. No slack. E/F’s $250. The top 43 from 2019 money won that enter will be accepted. Circuit Finals champions of the 13 PRCA circuits will be accepted. If the circuit finals champion in an event does not enter, the contestant ranked second in the average at the circuit finals will be accepted. If neither the circuit champion or the 2nd place contestant (in the average) enter, that position will be filled by the next highest ranked contestant who entered based on 2019 money won. If a contestant qualifies in both categories, 2019 money won and as a circuit finals champion, he will assume the position among the 2019 money won qualifiers and the position for the circuit final champion will be filled by the contestant who won second in the average at that respective circuit finals if he entered. If the second placed contestant did
ProRodeo Sports News 1/10/2020
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