PRCA Business Journal - January 8, 2021

Change R7.9 Unsatisfactory Animals. An Event Representative may declare request that a particular animal(s) be declared unsatisfactory for competition. Upon notification, either written or verbal (with verbal notification supported with documenta - tion), the Stock Contractor or Rodeo Committee shall eliminate such animal(s) from competition draw. Continued use of said animal(s) after notification will result in a $250 fine per competition levied against the offending party. Any contestant compet - ing in the riding events on an unsatisfactory animal used after notification shall be given the option of a reride. A comprehensive documented report, outlining the specific reason(s) why the animal(s) is unsatisfactory for competition, video(s) of the unsatis- factory occurrence(s), date and rodeo of the unsatisfactory occurrence(s), the contestant that was affected by the unsatisfactory occurrence(s), must be submitted to the PRCAAdministration within 7 days of the unsatisfactory occurrence(s) for review. The review of all relevant information pertaining to the unsatisfactory animal(s) and the final ruling, within 7 days of submitted in- formation, on the future competitive status on such animal(s) will be facilitated and ruled upon by the Director of Rodeo Ad- ministration. If an animal is declared unsatisfactory, and such elimination causes a Stock Contractor to be short of stock, said Stock Contractor shall be subject to the appropriate fine. Unsatisfactory animal(s) may be reinstated with approval by the Event Representative of an application for reinstatement. (Stock Contractor Executive Council submitted 4/18) Tabled R7.9.1 Riding Event Stock For purposes of the Rule 7.9, “unsatisfactory” shall be defined for riding event stock as recurring instances (more than twice) where the animal: is dangerous in the chute, runs off, fights the chute, flips, falls, stumbles con - sistently, runs into fences, stops, is a head slinging bull or has a bucking pattern that makes the animal extremely dangerous to contestants or the pickup men. Riding event stock shall also be considered unsatisfactory when the animal’s use consistently (more than three consecutive times) results in a reride for a contestant or where its removal is necessary for animal welfare reasons. (Stock Contractor Executive Council submitted 4/18) Tabled Change R7.9.3 Definition of Unsatisfactory in Timed Events. A Timed Event Representative in consultation with the Stock Contractor may declare a timed event animal(s), or herd of animals unsatisfactory if the animal (1) is considered by the for competition. A comprehensive documented report, outlining the specific reason(s) why the animal(s) or herd is unsatisfactory for competition, video(s) of the unsatisfactory occurrence(s), date and rodeo of the unsatisfactory occurrence, the contestant(s) that was affected by the unsatisfactory occurrence(s), must be submitted to the PRCAAdministration within 7 days of the un- satisfactory occurrence(s) for review. The review of all relevant information pertaining to the unsatisfactory animal(s) or herd and the final ruling, within 7 days of submitted information, on the future competitive status on such animal(s) or herd will be facilitated and ruled upon by an independent person(s) appointed by the PRCA administration. An unsatisfactory animal(s) or herd may be determined but limited to, by the Timed Event Representative, in consultation with the Stock Contractor, to be (1) unhealthy or not suitable for competition, (2) has in the past caused safety concerns for a contestant or his horse, (3) would cause an uneven competition, if used, (4) has in the past demonstrated a disposition to act in a manner which may cause By- laws or Rules violations or humane problems if used in a timed event, or (5) does not comply with one or more provisions of the PRCA Bylaws or Official Rodeo Rules or if such animal’s use would result in a violation of one or more Bylaws or Official Rodeo Rules. At a given rodeo, The declaration of an animal as being unsatisfactory must be done prior to the establishment of the herd for that given rodeo. Should an entire herd be declared unsatisfactory in accordance with guidelines established above, the Stock Contractor would be allowed ten (10) twenty-one (21) days from date of notification to replace that entire Herd with acceptable cattle. (Stock Contractor Executive Council submitted 4/18) Tabled Change R3.1.5 Tie-down Roping, Steer Wrestling, and Team Roping Draw If One Animal for Every Entry. At rodeos where there is one animal for every entry, the Event Representative shall establish the Herd and shall also designate those ani- mals which shall be deemed Extras, but not part of the original Herd. Once the Herd is established, one animal will be drawn per each contestant in the go-round. Those animals not drawn will be considered sleepers. The sleepers will not be included in the draw for the next go-round as a replacement for an but will be used as Extras to replace any injured, sick or sulking animals. At the completion of each go-round sleepers must be run to be used as Extras. (M. Reeves 6/18) Approved Change R1.5.2 Single Event Buddy. R1.5.2.1 Same Event. Contestants wishing to buddy must have exactly the same preferences and parameters and can buddy only in the same event. Any deviation shall negate the buddy arrangement. (H. Ford submitted 6/18) Tabled Change R7.1 Livestock to be Furnished by Stock Contractors. All livestock furnished to a PRCA-sanctioned event must be owned by a PRCA Non-Contestant Card Member Stock Contractor or First Year Stock Contractor. For purposes of this Rule R7.1, an animal shall be considered “owned” if (1) the Stock Contractor or First Year Stock Contractor owns one hun- dred percent (100%) fifty-one percent (51%) of the right, title and interest in that animal, and (2) the Stock Contractor or First Year Stock Contractor meets the requirements as further defined in B2.5.13.2 and B2. and (3) the animal car - ries a permanent, legible brand of the Stock Contractor/First Year Stock Contractor that has been registered with the PRCA.


ProRodeo Sports News 1/8/2021


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