PRCA Business Journal - June 10, 2022

TR - Scoreline may be 3’ less than the length of the box with event representative’s approval. STK. CONT.: PAINTED PONY CHAMPIONSHIP RODEO

EVENTS: BB SB BR TD SW TR-HD TR-HL @ $1000 SPECIAL ENTRY FEES: TD-$75 IF 1/$100 IF 2; SW- $75 IF 1/$100 IF 2 PERMITS: BB SB BR TD SW TR GROUND RULES: CO-APPROVED WITH WILDERNESS CIRCUIT . Only actual contestant and one companion allowed gate access. ALL EVENTS - The “30-hour replacement” rule will be in effect. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. ALL EVENTS - The “walk-up replacement” policy will be in effect. See Rodeo Entry Information section of the business journal. ALL EVENTS - Re-entries will be accepted for available positions on Tue., July 19 between 9 AM and 2 PM. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. TRADE DEADLINE - Tue., July 19 at 5 PM. All confirmed trades will be final and will be processed immediately after both involved parties have confirmed through PROCOM. ALL CONTESTANTS AND COMPANIONS - Will be subject to applicable health restrictions (if any) imposed by the series, the State of Colorado, Routt County, or the city of Steamboat Springs. See www. for details. ALL EVENTS - Will be back-to-back, same performance if two go-rounds. (If an event is back- to-back, same performance, there will be no slack in that event). ALL CONTESTANTS - Back numbers must be worn. SLACK - Will begin with the completion of the first run of the cattle in all of the timed events, followed by barrel racing slack. The remainder off the timed event slack will follow the barrel racing slack. BB & SB - Events may be combined or may have two sections depending on number of entries. BR - In the Bull Riding, the prize money will be “carried over” to the following week if there are no qualified rides. BR - May be one or two section depending on the number of entries. QUALIFICATIONS: BB, SB - 30 minimum entries. No compensation. No slack. BR - 40 minimum entries. No compensation. No slack. TD, SW, TR - The number of animals used will not be required to exceed 20. STK. CONT.: KIRSTEN VOLD RODEO COMPANY

performance) will run their second go- round in that same slack (after the team roping) in reverse order of their first go-round positions. The order of the draw will be the same as the competition order. Scorelines will be 25’. Contestants will compete from left side of roping chute. Electric eye barrier will be used. TR - 100 minimum entries. Four go-rounds W/F’s (12). Twelve teams will run during the performance each day. The order of third and fourth go-round will be random draw. No trades allowed in the second and subsequent go-rounds. The entire fourth go-round will be run Sun, July 24 at 8 AM. Both contestants will compete from left side of roping chute. Cattle will be chute run (not drawn) if one head for every entry. Only two loops allowed per go-round. Scoreline will be 35’. Electric eye barrier will be used. Rule R3.3.6.1 will not be in effect. STK. CONT.: COREY & LANGE RODEO SUB. CONT.: BIG BEND RODEO BRIDWELL PRORODEOS FLYING U RODEO FLYING 5 RODEO FOUR STAR RODEO ARENA: Rice County Fairgrounds ADDRESS: 1814 N.W. 2nd Ave. PERFS: 1 Perf: July 22- 7:00 PM EVENTS: BB SB BR TD SW TR-HD TR-HL @ $1000 PERMITS: BB SB BR TD SW TR GROUND RULES: ALL CONTESTANTS - The “30- hour replacement” rule will be in effect. See Rodeo Entry Information Page of the business journal Only actual contestant and one companion allowed gate access. ALL EVENTS - The “walk-up replacement” policy will be in effect. See Rodeo Entry Information section of the business journal. ALL EVENTS - Re-entries will be accepted for available positions on Mon., July 18 between 9 AM and 2 PM. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. TRADE DEADLINE - Mon., July 18 at 5 PM. All confirmed trades will be final and will be processed immediately after both involved parties have confirmed through PROCOM. GRACE PERIOD - Will expire one hour after entries close. STK. CONT.: BARNES PRCA RODEO LAKE LUZERNE NY NPP JULY 22 PAINTED PONY CHAMPIONSHIP RODEO ARENA: Painted Pony ADDRESS: 703 Howe Rd PERFS: 1 Perf: July 22-7:30 PM EVENTS: BB SB BR TD SW TR-HD TR-HL @ $500 PERMITS: BB SB BR TD SW TR GROUND RULES: ALL EVENTS - The “30-hour replacement” rule will be in effect. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. ALL EVENTS - Re-entries will be accepted for available positions on Mon., July 18 between 9 AM and 2 PM. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. TRADE DEADLINE - Mon., July 18 at 5 PM. All confirmed trades will be final and will be processed immediately after both involved parties have confirmed through PROCOM. GRACE PERIOD - Will expire one hour after entries close. EOO: 11:30 AM MDT JULY 14 EC: 11:30 AM MDT JULY 15 EOO: 11:00 AM MDT JUNE 17 EC: 11:00 AM MDT JUNE 21 FARIBAULT MN NPP JULY 22 BARNES RODEO

EOO: 12:00 PM MDT JULY 14 EC: 12:00 PM MDT JULY 15


ARENA: Cheyenne Cnty Fairgrounds ADDRESS: 425 S 7th Street West

PERFS: 2 Perfs: July 22-7:30 PM; July 23-7:30 PM EVENTS: BB BR @ $4400 SB TD SW TR-HD TR-HL @ $2200 PERMITS: BB SB BR TD SW TR GROUND RULES: CO-APPROVED WITH THE PRAIRIE CIRCUIT . ALL EVENTS - The “30-hour replacement” rule will be in effect. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. ALL EVENTS - The “walk-up replacement” policy will be in effect. See Rodeo Entry Information section of the business journal. ALL EVENTS - Re-entries will be accepted for available positions on Mon., July 18 between 9 AM and 1 PM. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. TRADE DEADLINE - Fri., July 15 at 5 PM. All confirmed trades will be final and will be processed immediately after both involved parties have confirmed through PROCOM. STK. CONT.: ROCKY MOUNTAIN RODEO PERFS: 2 Perfs: July 22-7:30 PM; July 23-7:30 PM EVENTS: BB SB BR TD SW @ $1200 TR-HD TR-HL @ $600 PERMITS: BB SB BR TR; MAX - TD SW GROUND RULES: Only actual contestant and one companion allowed gate access. ALL EVENTS - The “30-hour replacement” and “walk-up replacement” rule will be in effect. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. ALL EVENTS - Re-entries will be accepted for available positions on Mon., July 18 between 9 AM and 2 PM. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. TRADE DEADLINE - Mon., July 18 at 5 PM. All confirmed trades will be final and will be processed immediately after both involved parties have confirmed through PROCOM. GB - Approved for first slack event in accordance with R4.9.4. QUALIFICATIONS: BB & SB - 30 minimum entries. No compensation. No slack. BR - 32 minimum entries. No compensation. No slack. STK. CONT.: HARPER & MORGAN RODEO CO EOO: 11:00 AM MDT JULY 6 EC: 11:00 AM MDT JULY 7 PHILADELPHIA MS JULY 22-23 NESHOBA COUNTY FAIR & RODEO ARENA: Neshoba Co Fair ADDRESS: 16800 Hwy 21 South


EOO: 10:30 AM MDT JULY 15 EC: 10:30 AM MDT JULY 18


ARENA: Brent Romick Arena ADDRESS: 501 Howelsen Parkway PERFS: 2 Perfs: July 22-7:30 PM; July 23-7:30 PM EVENTS: BR @ $1000 PERMITS: BR GROUND RULES: CO-APPROVED WITH WILDERNESS CIRCUIT . BR - 30 minimum entries. No compensation. No slack. Permit members may enter both the rodeo and the permit section. ALL CONTESTANTS - The “walk-up replacement” policy will be in effect. See Rodeo Entry Information section of the business journal. ALL CONTESTANTS - Re-entries will be accepted for available positions on Tue., July 19 between 9 AM and 2 PM. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. TRADE DEADLINE - Tue., July 19 at 5 PM. All

EOO: 11:00 AM MDT JULY 13 EC: 11:00 AM MDT JULY 14


ARENA: Brent Romick Arena ADDRESS: 501 Howelsen Parkway PERFS: 2 Perfs: July 22-7:30 PM; July 23-7:30 PM

ProRodeo Sports News 6/10/2022


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