PRCA Business Journal - June 11, 2021

2022 Rule Proposals Change Judges Handbook If contestant is fouled, he must declare immediately to receive a re-ride he will receive a reride. If contestant accepts the foul and continues to compete and qualifies, he is only entitled to his marking. (C. Rostockyj 9/19) AS AMENDED: Change R1.1.1 Entries. All entries for PRCA events at PRCA-approved rodeos will be taken through the Central Entry Office or the PRCA Online Entry application, except local entries, which shall be governed by Section B10.6 of the Bylaws. Only Active Contestant Card Members, Permit Members or Life Members (and local entries where accepted) will be allowed to enter, provided that membership or permit dues and/or the appropriate group accident insurance premiums are received in the PRCA National Office no later than midnight one day prior to entry opening time of a given rodeo to allow time for processing. (PRCA Staff) Tabled 04/2021 Change R1.2.9 Duplicate or Multiple Entries . In the instance of duplicate or multiple entries, the latest entry’s, parameters and preference, or buddy configuration, will be accepted. (PRCA Staff) Tabled 04/2021 Change R1.2.15.1 Qualifying for Early Limited Entry Rodeos – Except Saddle Bronc. Qualifications for all events other than saddle bronc for limited entry rodeos during the early season of the Rodeo Year will be as follows: (1) rodeos with entries closing on or before January 31st of the current Rodeo Year would be 90% from last year’s money won and 10% from this year’s money won; (2)rodeos that close on February 1 of the current Rodeo Year and on or before the last day of February of the current Rodeo Year would be 80% from last year money won, and 20% from this year’s money won; (3) rodeos closing on or after March 1st through July 14th would be 50% from last year’s money won and 50% from this year’s money won; (4) rodeos closing on or after July 15th would be only current year money won. (PRCA Staff 4/20) Delete R1.2.15.2 Qualifying for Early Limited Entry Rodeos – Saddle Bronc Event. Qualifications for the saddle bronc event for limited entry rodeos during the early season of the Rodeo Year will be as follows: (1) rodeos with entries closing on or before January 31st of the current Rodeo Year would be 90% from last year’s money won and 10% from this year’s money won; (2) rodeos that close on February 1 of the current Rodeo Year and on or before the last day of February of the current Rodeo Year would be 80% from last year money won, and 20% from this year’s money won; (3) rodeos closing on or after March 1st through the last day of March would be 70% from last year’s money won and 30% from this year’s money won: (4) rodeos closing on or after April 1st through the last day of April would be 60% from last year’s money won and 40% from this year’s money won. (5) rodeos closing on or after May 1st through the last day of May would be 50% from last year’s money won and 50% from this year’s money won; (6) rodeos closing on or after June 1st through the last day of June would be 40% from last year’s money won and 60% from this year’s money won; and (7) rodeos closing on or after July 1st through July 15 would be 30% from last year’s money won and 70% from this year’s money won; rodeos closing on or after July 15th would be only current year money won. (PRCA Staff 4/20) Change R1.3.3.4 Central Entry Office Fee. At which time PRCA event contestant pays entry fees, he will also pay a $5 $7 Central Entry Office fee. This fee will not be added to the payoff but will revert to the PRCA National Office. (PRCA staff 4/19) Change R1.5.1.1 Election. Persons wishing to use the Buddy System must specifically request this option at the time of entry. Persons wishing to buddy with another contestant or contestants must provide that contestant’s PRCA membership number to the Central Entry Office at the time of entry. If anyone in the buddy group later enters without providing the same buddy information, then the original buddy arrangement will be negated . (PRCA Staff) Tabled 04/2021 Change R1.5.1.2 Limited Rodeos. Members of buddy groups that are entered at limited rodeos must state at time of entry if they wish to be drawn out if any or all of their buddies are not accepted. If contestants do not state, at time of entry, their preference to be drawn out if their buddies are not accepted, they will remain entered even though any or all of the rest of the R1.5 Buddy System. R1.5.1 General.


buddy group may be drawn out. (PRCA Staff) Tabled 04/2021


ProRodeo Sports News 6/11/2021

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