PRCA Business Journal - June 25, 2021


SPOONER, WIS.: JULY 8-10 The Spooner Rodeo will celebrate 67 years of professional rodeo this summer. The Spooner Rodeo Committee will host a hospitality room for all contestants and their families at the Heart of the North Rodeo on the rodeo grounds. A popular country music group will play following all three rodeo performances. The cowboy breakfast and church service will take place July 11. Parking on the grounds will be limited to contestants entered for the performance and slack each day. Call 800.367.3306 for additional information. WOLF POINT, MONT.: JULY 8-10 The 98th Wolf Point Wild Horse Stampede RAM PRCA Rodeo will have three performances that all take place at 7 p.m. The WPRA barrel race and breakaway roping slack will be Thursday, July 8 at 8 a.m. with complimentary breakfast. The Stampede Round-Up TETWP Golf Tournament is also Thursday, July 8, with TETWP Night at that evening’s performance. Slack is Friday, July 9, 7:30 a.m. with complimentary breakfast. Open team roping follows slack. Event and all-around winners will receive 98th Wild Horse Stampede Buckles. There will be a lucky contestant $100 bonus each performance, each event, to qualified roughstock ride and timed-event run. Contestant campground area, stalls and warm-up arena. Complimentary meal at the hospitality tent for contestants and their families before each perf.

CASTLE ROCK, COLO.: AUG. 5-8 The Douglas County Fair & Rodeo is scheduled to have coverage on The Cowboy Channel and the PRCA on Cowboy Channel Plus App. There will be $44,000 total added money with BB, SB, BR featured events with $8,000 added; $4,000 added money all other events and equal pay in team roping. Summit Pro Rodeo, Justin Sportsmedicine and contestant hospitality on hand. Thursday, Aug 5 will be an Xtreme Bulls event. Friday, Aug 6 will have morning slack and Patriot night at the evening perf. Meet the Legends on Saturday, Aug 7, honoring the Clown/Barrel/ Funnyman Reunion. Sunday, Aug 8, recognizes Cowboys for Cops. There will be contestant gifts, a barn dance, dedicated parking, and free stalls and showers. Call 303.868.9173 for more info or visit AMARILLO, TEXAS: SEPT. 23-25 The Amarillo Tri-State Fair & Rodeo is co-approved with the Turquoise and Prairie circuits. The schedule is Wednesday, Sept. 22, 9 a.m., steer roping followed by breakaway roping and barrel racing; Thursday, Sept. 23, 8 a.m. slack for team roping, steer wrestling and tie-down roping, evening performances begin at 7:30 p.m. The Cowboy Corral will have breakfast and lunch Wednesday. Three meals Thursday and an evening meal Friday and Saturday. Free stalls for rodeo contestants are available on a first-come, first-served basis beginning at noon on Sept. 21. Stall shavings are available for purchase on the grounds. Saturday night is TETWP night – bonus money for wearing pink to high place in the event.



MARION TX JUNE 25-26 ALAMO CITY MOTORPLEX PRCA RODEO ARENA: Alamo City Motorplex ADDRESS: 3641 S. Santa Clara Rd. PERFS: 2 Perfs: June 25- 7:00 PM; June 26- 7:00 PM SLACK: June 24-10:00 AM EVENTS: BB SB BR TD SW TR-HD TR-HL @ $5000 SPECIAL ENTRY FEES: TR-$225 IF 1/$250 IF 2 PERMITS: BB SB BR TD SW TR GROUND RULES: Only actual contestant and one companion allowed gate access. ALL EVENTS - The “30-hour replacement” rule will be in effect. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. ALL EVENTS - The “walk-up replacement” policy will be in effect. See Rodeo Entry Information section of the business journal. ALL EVENTS - Re-entries will be accepted for available positions on Fri., June 18 between 9 AM and 11 AM. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. TRADE DEADLINE - Thurs., June 17 at 5 PM. All confirmed trades will be final and will be processed immediately once both involved parties have confirmed through PROCOM. ALL CONTESTANTS - Contestants with horses will be required to have current negative Coggins test

results. No stalls available. TD, SW, TR - There will be an additional $10 stock charge. QUALIFICATIONS: BB, SB, BR - 30 minimum

ARENA: Big Horn County Fairground ADDRESS: 69 Sawyor Loop PERFS: 2 Perfs: June 25- 7:30 PM; June 26- 7:30 PM SLACK: June 25- 9:00 AM EVENTS: BB SB BR TD SW TR-HD TR-HL @ $2000 PERMITS: BB SB BR TD SW TR GROUND RULES: CO-APPROVED WITH MOUNTAIN STATES CIRCUIT . ALL EVENTS - The “30-hour replacement” rule will be in effect. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. ALL EVENTS - The “walk-up replacement” policy will be in effect. See Rodeo Entry Information section of the business journal. ALL EVENTS - Re-entries will be accepted for available positions on Mon., June 21 between 9 AM and 1 PM. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. TRADE DEADLINE - Fri., June 18 at 5 PM. All confirmed trades will be final and will be processed immediately after both involved parties have confirmed through PROCOM. STK. CONT.: NEW WEST RODEO PRODUCTIONS

entries. No compensation. No slack. STK. CONT.: UNIVERSAL PRORODEOS

EOO: 10:30 AM MDT JUNE 3 EC: 10:30 AM MDT JUNE 4

MERIDIAN ID JUNE 25-26 MERIDIAN LIONS RODEO ARENA: Meridian Lions Rodeo Grounds ADDRESS: 6054 W Cherry Ln PERFS: 2 Perfs: June 25- 6:00 PM; June 26- 6:00 PM EVENTS: BB SB BR @ $3000 TD SW TR-HD TR-HL @ $1500 PERMITS: BB SB BR TD SW TR GROUND RULES: CO-APPROVED WITH THE COLUMBIA RIVER CIRCUIT . Only actual contestant and one companion allowed gate access. ALL EVENTS - The “30-hour replacement” rule will be in effect. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. ALL EVENTS - The “walk-up replacement” policy will be in effect. See Rodeo Entry Information section of the business journal.

EOO: 12:30 PM MDT JUNE 11 EC: 12:30 PM MDT JUNE 15


ProRodeo Sports News 6/25/2021

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