PRCA Business Journal - June 25, 2021
R1.5 Buddy System. R1.5.1 General.
Change R1.5.1.1 Election. Persons wishing to use the Buddy System must specifically request this option at the time of entry. Persons wishing to buddy with another contestant or contestants must provide that contestant’s PRCA membership number to the Central Entry Office at the time of entry. If anyone in the buddy group later enters without providing the same buddy information, then the original buddy arrangement will be negated . (PRCA Staff) Tabled 04/2021 Change R1.5.1.2 Limited Rodeos. Members of buddy groups that are entered at limited rodeos must state at time of entry if they wish to be drawn out if any or all of their buddies are not accepted. If contestants do not state, at time of entry, their preference to be drawn out if their buddies are not accepted, they will remain entered even though any or all of the rest of the Change R1.5.2.1 Same Event Application . Contestants wishing to buddy may indicate a buddy group of up to four total contestants, regardless of event. When the buddy group involves more than one event, each event may have its own set of preferences and parameters; however, all buddies entered in the same event must have the same preferences and parameters. Members are only allowed to be in one buddy group and must enter all events they desire to compete in that entry. For purposes of this rule, Team Roping partners are considered buddies. must have exactly the same preferences and parameters and can buddy only in the same event. Any deviation shall negate the buddy arrangement. (H. Ford 6/18) Tabled 04/2021 Change R1.5.2.2 Implementation. To the extent possible, up to four individuals, or two teams, regardless of events entered under a buddy arrangement contestants in a buddy group will be placed in the requested performance or slack. However, a buddy group may be split. (PRCA Staff) Tabled 04/2021 Delete R1.5.2.3 Team Roping . In team roping only, teams shall be buddied team on team. If two teams are buddied, one team partner cannot buddy with another contestant in any other event unless that contestant is already a part of the two-team buddy group. (PRCA Staff) Tabled 04/2021 Delete R1.5.2.4 Split of Group . A buddy group may be split, creating at least one group of two, in order to keep a more even and balanced distribution of contestants in performances. A maximum of one buddy group per event may be split. (PRCA Staff) Tabled 04/2021 Delete R1.5.3 Multi Event Buddy. Delete R1.5.3.1 Requirements. The multi-event buddy system may be requested only for those events with one go-round, and only at those rodeos which are Performance-Preference Rodeos. At rodeos that have two go-rounds that are back-to-back, contestants may request the multi-event buddy system be used. A contestant or contestants competing in more than one event may request a “Multi-Event Buddy” in order to position themselves during the same performance or slack for all one go-round events entered, provided there are corresponding performances or slacks available in all one go-round events requested. A contestant requesting a “Multi-Event Buddy” may buddy with one other contestant, provided that both contestants enter at least one common event with one go-round only. Preferences for all events must be exactly the same . (PRCA Staff) Tabled 04/2021 Delete R1.5.3.2 Implementation . To the extent possible, up to two contestants (with at least one common event with one go- round only) under the Multi-Event Buddy arrangement will be placed in all events in the same performance or slack . (PRCA Staff) Tabled 04/2021 Delete R1.5.3.3 Valid Preferences . If a contestant requesting multievent buddy gives a preference that is not valid in all events with one go-round only, his preferences will be deemed invalid (PRCA Staff) Tabled 04/2021 Change R1.6.7 Replace Me. “Replace me if I don’t get my performance preference and if a replacement is available” will be accepted at time of entry. If a replacement is available, contestant will be drawn out of the rodeo. Replacement shall be defined as any contestant drawn out due to permits maximum or qualifications. If more contestants give this parameter than the number of available replacements, a random draw will determine which of the contestants is replaced. Replacements will be accepted as follows: 1) In a qualification rodeo, according to qualification procedures; and will be subject to preferences and parameters buddy group may be drawn out. (PRCA Staff) Tabled 04/2021 Change R1.5.2 Single Event Buddy Entries.
ProRodeo Sports News 6/25/2021
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