PRCA Business Journal - May 13, 2022
ALL CONTESTANTS, STOCK CONTRACTORS, AND PERSONNEL - Must sign a release of liability with the secretary before participating. ALL CONTESTANTS - Secretary’s office will be open from 12 (NOON) to 4 PM on Wed., July 20. ALL CONTESTANTS - Contestant parking will be open Monday, July 18th at 8 AM. No early entry. BB, SB, BR - If a contestant’s actions are deemed detrimental to the PRCA, California Rodeo Salinas or the sport of rodeo in general, that contestant will not be eligible to compete at the California Rodeo Salinas in 2023. Any contestant who notifies a TO without a valid doctor’s release or visible injury release will not be eligible to compete at the California Rodeo Salinas in 2023. RE - Event representatives will have the opportunity to review the stock lists prior to the stock draw. SLACK ORDER - Will be first go-round of BA, TD, SW, TR followed by second go-round of BA, TD, SW. TE - If there are not enough contestants in the current year circuit money won category to fill the allotted circuit positions, the remaining positions will be filled with contestants from the previous year circuit money won category. ALL CONTESTANTS WITH HORSES: All horses must be in compliance with current California Dept, of Food and Agriculture rules and requirements. Contestants who fail to comply with applicable health rules and requirements will be denied entry to the grounds or subject to removal from the grounds. TE - If a timed event animal escapes (or a re-run is awarded for any other reason), the extra will be used. Only escaped animals go back into the herd. TD - There will be a disqualification for a jerkdown as long as criteria are in compliance with the jerkdown policy. ALL CONTESTANTS - If a contestant who qualifies for the finals notifies a turn-out, doctor’s release or visible injury release through PROCOM, the contestant with the next highest ranking in the average may be placed in that available position. (Non-notified TO’s and VIR’s after the turn out deadline will not be replaced). If the next highest ranked contestant is not available to accept the position, the next highest ranked contestant may be contacted and placed in that position. This procedure will be followed until all positions are filled. The replacement contestant’s competition order will be based on his ranking in the average (not on the ranking of the contestant his is replacing). In the riding events, if an animal has already been drawn for a contestant who has turned-out, the replacement contestant will draw an animal from a pool consisting of all animals that have been turned-out (includes DR’s and VIR’s) and the first available designated re-ride. QUALIFICATIONS: BB & SB - 48 minimum entries. No compensation. No slack. One go-round W/F’s (12 plus splits to 14). $5,000 held out for finals. No slack. BR - 75 minimum entries. No compensation. No slack. One go-round W/F’s (12 plus splits to 14). $5,000 held out for finals. There may be two sections during each performance. TD & SW - 90 minimum entries. Two go-rounds W/F’s (12). Back-to-back, slack to slack, or slack to perf. Each day approximately 30 contestants will run their first go-round during slack. The top twelve fastest times from the first go-round each day will run their second go-round during the performance that day (slowest time will run first, fastest time will run last). If splits result in more than 12, a random draw will determine which contestants will compete in the performance (will not exceed 12) and which will compete in the slack. The competition order of any ties from the first go-round will also be determined by random draw. If there are not 12
ALL EVENTS - The “walk-up replacement” policy will be in effect. See Rodeo Entry Information section of the business journal. ALL EVENTS - Re-entries will be accepted for available positions on Mon., July 18 between 9 AM and 1 PM. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. TRADE DEADLINE - Fri., July 15 at 5 PM. All confirmed trades will be final and will be processed immediately after both involved parties have confirmed through PROCOM. STK. CONT.: ROCKY MOUNTAIN RODEO
qualified times from the first go-round to fill the performance, the remaining positions will be filled based on the reverse order of their first go-round positions (only contestants who competed in the first go-round will be placed in the performances). The remaining contestants (not placed in the performance) will run their second go- round in that same slack (after the team roping) in reverse order of their first go-round positions. The order of the draw will be the same as the competition order. Scorelines will be 25’. Contestants will compete from left side of roping chute. Electric eye barrier will be used. TR - 100 minimum entries. Four go- rounds W/F’s (12). Fifteen teams will run during the performance each day. The order of third and fourth go-round will be random draw. No trades allowed in the second and subsequent go-rounds. The entire fourth go-round will be run Sun, July 24 at 8 AM. Both contestants will compete from left side of roping chute. Cattle will be chute run (not drawn) if one head for every entry. Only two loops allowed per go-round. Scoreline will be 35’. Electric eye barrier will be used. Rule R3.3.6.1 will not be in effect. STK. CONT.: COREY & LANGE RODEO SUB. CONT.: BRIDWELL PRORODEOS CHAMPIONSHIP PRORODEO FOUR STAR RODEO RAFTER G RODEO ARENA: Rice County Fairgrounds ADDRESS: 1814 N.W. 2nd Ave. PERFS: 1 Perf: July 22-7:00 PM EVENTS: BB SB BR TD SW TR-HD TR-HL @ $1000 PERMITS: BB SB BR TD SW TR GROUND RULES: ALL CONTESTANTS - The “30 hour replacement” rule will be in effect. See Rodeo Entry Information Page of the business journal Only actual contestant and one companion allowed gate access. ALL EVENTS - The “walk-up replacement” policy will be in effect. See Rodeo Entry Information section of the business journal. ALL EVENTS - Re-entries will be accepted for available positions on Mon., July 18 between 9 AM and 2 PM. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. TRADE DEADLINE - Mon., July 18 at 5 PM. All confirmed trades will be final and will be processed immediately after both involved parties have confirmed through PROCOM. GRACE PERIOD - Will expire one hour after entries close. STK. CONT.: BARNES PRCA RODEO EOO: 11:00 AM MDT JUNE 17 EC: 11:00 AM MDT JUNE 21 FARIBAULT MN NPP JULY 22 BARNES RODEO
EOO: 11:00 AM MDT JULY 6 EC: 11:00 AM MDT JULY 7
ARENA: Neshoba Co Fair ADDRESS: 16800 Hwy 21 South
PERFS: 2 Perfs: July 22-7:30 PM; July 23-7:30 PM EVENTS: BB SB BR TD SW @ $1200 TR-HD TR-HL @ $600 PERMITS: BB SB BR TR; MAX - TD SW GROUND RULES: Only actual contestant and one companion allowed gate access. ALL EVENTS - The “30-hour replacement” and “walk-up replacement” rule will be in effect. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. ALL EVENTS - Re-entries will be accepted for available positions on Mon., July 18 between 9 AM and 2 PM. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. TRADE DEADLINE - Mon., July 18 at 5 PM. All confirmed trades will be final and will be processed immediately after both involved parties have confirmed through PROCOM. GB - Approved for first slack event in accordance with R4.9.4. QUALIFICATIONS: BB & SB - 30 minimum entries. No compensation. No slack. BR - 32 minimum entries. No compensation. No slack. STK. CONT.: HARPER & MORGAN RODEO CO PERFS: 2 Perfs: July 22-7:30 PM; July 23-7:30 PM EVENTS: BB SB BR TD SW TR-HD TR-HL @ $1000 SPECIAL ENTRY FEES : TD - $75; SW -$75. PERMITS: BB SB BR TD SW TR GROUND RULES: CO-APPROVED WITH WILDERNESS CIRCUIT . Only actual contestant and one companion allowed gate access. ALL EVENTS - The “30-hour replacement” rule will be in effect. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. ALL EVENTS - The “walk-up replacement” policy will be in effect. See Rodeo Entry Information section of the business journal. ALL EVENTS - Re-entries will be accepted for available positions on Tue., July 19 between 9 AM and 2 PM. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. TRADE DEADLINE - Tue., July 19 at 5 PM. All confirmed trades will be final and will be processed immediately after both involved parties have confirmed through PROCOM. EOO: 11:00 AM MDT JULY 13 EC: 11:00 AM MDT JULY 14 STEAMBOAT SPRINGS CO JULY 22-23 STEAMBOAT SPRINGS PRORODEO SERIES ARENA: Brent Romick Arena ADDRESS: 501 Howelsen Parkway
EOO: 11:30 AM MDT JULY 14 EC: 11:30 AM MDT JULY 15
ARENA: Cheyenne Cnty Fairgrounds ADDRESS: 425 S 7th Street West
PERFS: 2 Perfs: July 22-7:30 PM; July 23-7:30 PM EVENTS: BB BR @ $4400 SB TD SW TR-HD TR-HL @ $2200 PERMITS: BB SB BR TD SW TR GROUND RULES: CO-APPROVED WITH THE PRAIRIE CIRCUIT. ALL EVENTS - The “30-hour replacement” rule will be in effect. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal.
ProRodeo Sports News 5/13/2022
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