PRCA Business Journal - May 13, 2022
on a first come first served basis to entered contestants. ALL CONTESTANTS - Due to large crowds entering and leaving Frontier Park, traffic will not be conducive for large vehicles and trailers from 4 to 5 PM and 7 PM to 1 AM. Contestants can park at the CFD offsite parking lot off I-25 at 1602 Southwest Drive. Dry camping, stalls, and water for animals will be available. ALL EVENTS - A contestant may compete on an animal in the Semi-finals or the Finals that he previously competed on in the Quarter Finals or the Qualifying Round. ALL CONTESTANTS - Parking passes will be issued for the day of competition to all contestants. Please check with the rodeo office for other local accommodations with stalls and camping facilities or for circumstances necessary for extended parking. ALL EVENTS - ADDITIONAL EXEMPTIONS - 2018 2021 Cheyenne winners for the events entered. 2018-2021 Cheyenne All Around Champions (only in the events in which they competed). Any past World Champions or three-time NFR Qualifiers in that respective event will be exempt from qualifications. QUALIFICATIONS: BB, SB - 72 minimum entries. No compensation. No slack. 80% top money, 20% top circuit (for previous year/current year percentages, see R1.2.15.1). Additional exemptions from qualification include 2018-2021 Cheyenne BB and SB Champions (only in the event in which they were champions), any past World Champions, and 3-time NFR qualifiers in the event in which they are entering. FORMAT: BB, SB - All 72 contestants will compete during the Quarter Finals Performances on July 23-28 (12 per performance). The contestant with the 4 highest scores (plus splits) will advance to the Semi Finals Performances (the 7th and 8th performances on July 29 and 30). If there are less than 4 qualified rides in a Quarter Finals Performance, the next highest scores in the other Quarter Finals Performances will advance. If there are less than 24 contestants with qualified rides to fill the Semi Finals Performances, the committee will have the option to fill the Semi Finals (not to exceed 24) based on 2022 PRCA World Standings who competed and did not have a qualified ride. The contestants with the 6 highest scores from the Semi Finals Performances (plus splits) will advance to the Finals on Sunday, July 31. If there are less than 6 qualified rides in one of the Semi Finals Performances, the contestant with the highest score from the other Semi Finals will advance. If there are less than 12 qualified rides in the Semi Finals Performance to fill the Finals, the contestants with the highest scores in the Quarter Finals who are already not qualified will advance. BB, SB - Placement procedure for Semi-Finals: The contestants advancing from the Quarter Finals performances on July 23, 24, and 25 will be placed in the Semi-Finals performance on July 30. The contestants advancing from the Quarter Finals performances on July 26, 27, and 28 will be placed in the Semi-Finals performance on July 29. Contestants will be allowed to trade in Semi-Finals performances up to 5 PM on the day prior to the 7th performance. Trades will be handled by the rodeo secretary. QUALIFICATIONS: BR - 60 minimum entries. No compensation. No slack. 70% top money, 30% top circuit (for previous year/current year percentages, see R. Additional exemptions from qualification include Rule Book exemptions (R1.2.14.1) and 2018-2021 Cheyenne Bull Riding Champions (only in the event in which they were champions), any past World Champions, and 3-time NFR qualifiers in the event in which they are
entering. FORMAT: BR - All 60 contestant will compete two times, back-to-back, performance to performance, during the Quarter Finals Performances, July 23-28 (3 sets of 20 contestants competing in the 1st and 2nd perfs, the 3rd and 4th perfs, or the 5th and 6th perfs). The contestants with the 6 highest scores (plus splits) in each Quarter Finals performance will advance to the Semi Finals Performances (7th and 8th performances on July 29 and 30). If a contestant qualifies among the top 6 in both of his first and second go-round performances, he will advance based on his highest placing and the contestant with the next highest score in either of the two performances who has not already qualified will advance. If there are less than 36 contestants to fill the Semi Finals Performances, the committee will have the option to fill the Semi Finals (not to exceed 36) based on 2022 PRCA World Standings from the contestants who competed and did not have a qualified ride. The contestants with the highest 6 scores from the Semi Finals Performances will advance to the Finals on Sunday, July 31. If there are less than 6 qualified rides in one of the Semi Finals Performances, the contestant with the highest score from the other Semi Finals Performance who has not already qualified will advance. If there are less than 12 qualified rides in the Semi Finals Performances to fill the Finals, the contestants with the highest ranking in the average from the first two go-rounds who are not already qualified will advance to the Finals. All ties for the last position in the Finals will be accepted. BR - Placement procedure for the Semi-Finals: The contestants advancing from the Quarter Finals performances on July 23, 24, and 25 will be placed in the Semi-Finals performance on July 30. The contestants advancing from the Quarter Finals performances on July 26, 27, and 28 will be placed in the Semi-Finals performance on July 29. Contestants will be allowed to trade in the Semi Finals up to 5 PM on the day prior to the 7th performance. Trades will be handled by the rodeo secretary. ALL EVENTS - Since there is a payoff every performance and contestants advance to the Semi Finals or Finals from each performance or “back-to back” group, moves due to qualifying for the finals at Nampa and Salinas will not be allowed. RIDING EVENT TRADE DEADLINE: All first go round trades for the BB, SB, and BR will be made through PROCOM prior to 5 PM on Wed., July 20. TIMED EVENT TRADE DEADLINE: First go- round trade deadline will be Tue., July 12 at 5 PM. TIMED EVENTS: Trades for the quarter finals performances will be allowed for one hour after the final positions for the quarter finals are posted. All trades for the Semi-Finals will be done through the rodeo secretary prior to her posted deadline. RE-RIDE ANIMALS - Will be used in the following order: 1.) Designated re- ride(s) for that performance, 2.) Available unused animals (notified turn- outs, doctor releases, and visible injuries) for that performance, 3.) Available unused animals (designated re- rides, notified and non-notified turn- outs, visible injures, and doctor releases) from previous performances. TD, SW, TR: TD - 200 minimum entries. SW - 150 minimum entries. TR - 200 minimum entries. QUALIFICATIONS: TD, SW, TR - 80% top money, 20% top circuit (for previous year/current percentages, see R1.2.15.1). Exemptions include the 2018, 2019, and 2021 Cheyenne Champions (only in the event in which they were champion), past PRCA World Champions, and three-time NFR qualifiers in the event in which they are entering. FORMAT: All contestants will compete in the Qualifying Round. The TD Qualifying Round Will
be Monday, July 18. The SW Qualifying Round will be Tuesday, July 19. The TR Qualifying Round will be Sunday, July 17. The 60 fastest times in each event will advance to the Quarter Finals, which are the first six performances on July 23-28. A Wild Card Round will be held immediately following the Qualifying Rounds on the respective day for each event. The Wild Card Round will include all the contestants except the 60 contestants or teams who will be advancing to the Quarter Finals performances. The top 12 contestants or teams from the Wild Card Round will also advance to the Quarter Finals performances for a total of 72 contestants or teams placed in the Quarter Finals performances (12 per performance). The 72 contestants or teams will be randomly placed into the six Quarter Finals performances. The four fastest times (plus splits) from each performance will advance to the Semi-Finals (7th and 8th performances). The top six from each Semi-Finals performance will advance to the Finals (9th performance). If ties result in more than six to advance to the finals, the tied contestant (or team) with the fastest time from the Quarter Finals performances will advance. If there are less than six to qualify in one of the Semi-Finals, the contestant with the next fastest time from the other Semi-Finals who has not already qualified will advance. If there are less than 12 total contestants with qualified times in the two Semi-Finals performances, the contestant with the fastest times in the Quarter Finals performances who has not already qualified will advance. If tied, the tie will be broken by the fastest time in the Qualifying Round. TD, SW, TR - Placement procedure for the Semi Finals: the contestants advancing from the Quarter Finals performances on July 23, 24, and 25 will be placed in the Semi Finals performance on July 30. The contestants advancing from the Quarter Finals performances on July 26, 27, and 28 will be placed in the Semi Finals performance on July 29. Contestants will be allowed to trade in the Semi Finals up to 5 PM on the day prior to the 7th performance. Trades will be handled by the rodeo secretary. SW, TR, SR - The animals used in the Semi-Finals and the Finals will be selected by the respective event representatives or their designees. STOCK CHARGES: TD - $30; SW - $30; TR - $15 per man; SR - $100. TD - Only one loop allowed. There will be a stock charge of $30 per contestant. Six pens of calves will be used in the 6 Quarter Finals performances. One of the six pens will be composed of fresh calves. The other five pens of calves will include the 60 calves drawn by the 60 contestants that will be advancing from the Qualifying Round to the Quarter Finals performances (plus adequate extras). These five pens will be set (not drawn) by the event representative and stock contractor. The calves used for the Semi Finals will be selected by the event representative. The calves used for the Finals will be the calves that were drawn in the Semi Finals by the 12 Finals qualifiers. SW - There will be a $30 stock charge. All splits will be made at Chute 9 one hour prior to the start of the qualifying round or performance. TR - There will be a $15 stock charge (per man). Only two loops allowed. Teams must enter from the back of the box. After a team competes on a steer, the team must release the steer and not impede his progress to the stripping chute. Violation of this is subject to a $100 fine. In Team Roping, a permit holder will not be allowed to enter with a card holder. TD, SW, TR, SR - The length of the score will be determined by the committee in agreement with the event representatives. Committee may use a hand pull barrier. The SW score will be no longer than
ProRodeo Sports News 5/13/2022
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