PRCA Business Journal - May 13, 2022
2022 Rules & Bylaws B8.5 Contract Personnel .
Change B8.5.1 Application . Contract Personnel must be Financially Eligible and must have participated in at least eight PRCA-approved rodeos in the Rodeo Year that they apply for the NFR position with a minimum of 20 total performances in the category applied for in order to participate at the NFR. For purposes of this Bylaw, rodeos at which a Contract Personnel Member works only in a slack shall not count towards the minimum number of rodeos or performances required to participate at the NFR. A Contract Personnel Member may not work at the NFR unless he has filed an application with the Director of Rodeo Administration in accordance with this Section B8.5.1. Applications for all Contract Personnel positions to the NFR will be accepted by the Director of Rodeo Administration up to May 1 of the calendar year in which the NFR will be held. No later than October 15, the top 20 bareback and saddle bronc riders (based on the rodeo season year-end in which the current NFR is being held) will vote for two pickup men, with the votes accepted through the Central Entry Office voting process administered by the PRCA, for one full entry week; the top 20 bull riders (based on the rodeo season year-end in which the current NFR is being held) will vote for three bullfighters. For the one full entry week following the first vote, the same top 20 bareback and saddle bronc riders will vote for two of the top four vote-getters in the pickup men category; the same top 20 bull riders will vote for three of the top final vote-getters in the bullfighter category. The top two votegetters and one alternate (the third place vote-getter in the final tally) in the pickup man category and the top three vote-getters in the bullfighter categories will be selected for the NFR. All other Contract Personnel (excluding the Barrelman) for the NFR shall be selected by the National Finals Rodeo Committee no later than October 30. (Contract Personnel Executive Committee 2/22) Adopted as amended 4/22 Expedited Change B8.5.2 Barrelman . Barrelmen must be Financially Eligible and must have participated in at least eight PRCA approved rodeos in the Rodeo Year that they apply for the NFR position with a minimum of 20 total performances in order to participate at the NFR. For purposes of this Bylaw, rodeos at which a Barrelman works only in a slack shall not count towards the minimum number of rodeos or performances required to participate at the NFR. A Barrelman Member may not work at the NFR unless he has filed an application with the Director of Rodeo Administration in accordance with this Section B8.5.1. Applications for the Barrelman position to the NFR will be accepted by the Director of Rodeo Administration up to May 1 of the calendar year in which the NFR will be held. No later than October 15 (of the calendar year in which the NFR will be held) the top 20 bullriders and all Financially Eligible announcers and bullfighters that have participated in at least eight PRCA approved rodeos with the minimum of 20 total performances as stated in B8.5.1., may vote for one barrelman. The votes voting process will be accepted through the Central Entry Office administered by the PRCA for one full entry week. For the one full entry week following the first vote, the same bullriders, announcers and bullfighters will vote for one of the top five vote-getters in the Barrelman category. The Barrelman receiving the most votes will be the NFR Barrelman and the first runner-up will be the alternate Barrelman for the NFR. In the case of a tie, a vote through the Central Entry Office will again be taken with the eligible list of announcers and bullfighters voting from October 25 up to 5:00 pm MST on October 30. (Contract Personnel Executive Committee 2/22) BOD Adopted as amended 4/22 Expedited B10.9 Duties of the Arena Secretary B10.9.1 Submissions All PRCAArena Secretaries are required to use the PRCA Secretary System software, except at PRCA rodeos that require other systems. Each completed rodeo is to be uploaded to the PRCA Office no later than 10:00am the morning 11:59 p.m. MT following completion of the final performance of a rodeo. Failure to abide by this Bylaw shall result in a $100 fine. (PRCA Staff 4/22) BOD Adopted as Amended 4/22 Expedited 2023 Rule Proposals Delete R1.6.2 Draw out of Another Event. A multi-event contestant may be allowed to draw out of one event by virtue of a parameter if drawn out of another event. (EXAMPLE: “Out if two in bareback, then draw me out of bull riding also.”) (PRCA Staff 3/21) Delete R1.6.3 Parameters Specifying “Out If Less Than.” “Out-if-less-than (specified number) of contestants” will only be accepted with the specified number stated in increments of five. (EXAMPLE: Out if less than 10, 15, etc.) For purposes of this Rule, the total number of contestants in an event shall include the contestant specifying the parameter. (PRCA Staff 3/21) Delete R1.6.5 Bull Riding at “If Limited” Rodeos. In the bull riding, at “If Limited” rodeos, contestants may attach an “Out if Not Limited” parameter to the entry, and must pay the $5 Central Entry Office charge if drawn out. (PRCA staff 3/21)
ProRodeo Sports News 5/13/2022
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