PRCA Business Journal - May 13, 2022
Delete R1.7.3.3 Conflict Due to Reride or Rerun . Delete R1. Riding Events . A riding event contestant with a reride which can only be taken during a performance other than that contestant’s originally scheduled performance for that rodeo, may draw out of that rodeo or a conflicted rodeo. (RCEC 2/22) Delete R1. Timed Events. A timed event contestant with a rerun which can only be taken during a performance other than that contestant’s originally scheduled performance for that rodeo, thereby creating a conflict with a second rodeo, may redesignate either rodeo as an unofficial entry only if that contestant has not broken the barrier and/or no elapsed time was recorded for the competition in which the rerun was awarded. If contestant has broken the barrier and/or an elapsed time was recorded for the competition in which the rerun was awarded, contestant may only redesignate the second rodeo as unofficial. (RCEC 2/22) Delete R1.7.3.4 No Redesignation for Go-Round Conflict Created by Contestant. No redesignation will be allowed if a contestant creates a conflict by trading his original second go-round position. (RCEC 2/22) Delete R1.7.4 Team Roping. If one member of an original team is replaced, the original team roper left to compete may redesignate that rodeo an “unofficial entry”, provided that the original team roper complies with all other applicable Rules set forth in this Part R1.7. (RCEC 2/22) Delete R1.7.5 Verification of Unofficial Entry . Verification of “unofficial entry” will be conveyed to each contestant who has designated a rodeo as an unofficial entry no later than 14 days following entry closing time of the given rodeo. Verification, or protest, must be returned within 14 days of the date of the notification. If no protest is made by the contestant within 14 days of the date designated on the notification, earnings will stand as posted. (RCEC 2/22) Change R9.5.1 Contestant Saddle Specifications . All riding must be done with saddles that meet the following PRCA specifications. Contestants not meeting these specifications will be disqualified and declared ineligible to compete for 30 days and subject to fine fined $250 for the first offense, $500 for the second offense, $1,000 for the third offense along with a 30 day suspension for the fourth and subsequent offenses within a given season. (PRCA Staff 4/22) Change R9.5.6 Only Dry Resin Allowed . Dry resin may be used on chaps and saddle. Anyone using any other foreign substance shall be disqualified and declared ineligible to compete for 30 days; also subject to fine fined $250 for the first offense, $500 for the second offense, $1,000 for the third offense along with a 30 day suspension for the fourth and subsequent offenses within a given season. The judges will examine clothing, saddle, rein and spurs. (PRCA Staff 4/22) 2024 Bylaw Proposal Delete B1.1.7 No Gambling . The PRCA opposes any organized gambling in connection with PRCA-approved rodeos. (PRCA staff 4/22) Change B2.3.5.1 Application of Money Won While a Permit Member . Money won while a Permit Member will not count toward the World Championship standings or toward qualification for competition at the National Finals Rodeo unless a Contestant Card is purchased within 30 days of filling a permit; regardless of the individual’s status when he entered the rodeo. The Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA) will contact permit holder who then has 30 days to purchase his Contestant Card. If not purchased within 30 days, the individual will remain on permit status for the remainder of the rodeo season. Money won while a Permit Member will count toward circuit points for qualification for competition at the Circuit Finals Rodeos, including the National Circuit Finals Rodeo, only. No money won while a Permit Member will count toward Rookie of the Year awards in either national standings or circuit standings. (T. Reeves, 2/22) Change R10.8.1.2 Barriers. All headers shall start from behind a barrier. At rodeos that add $5,000 per event with equal money in the team roping, all heelers shall also start from behind a barrier. A 10-second penalty will be added for breaking or beating a barrier. (PRCA Staff 4/22)
ProRodeo Sports News 5/13/2022
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