PRCA Business Journal - May 24, 2024
BR - 90 minimum entries. No compensation. No slack. STK. CONT.: SMITH PRORODEOS
days prior to entry closing. PROCOM and the rodeo secretary will work together to find replacements. If a contestant who is entered turns out (includes DR’s and VIR’S) through PROCOM prior to, during, or after their first competition performance, the position will be filled with the next qualified alternate. All non-notified turn-outs will be replaced with the next available contestant. ALL CONTESTANTS TRADE DEADLINE: After the performance positions are posted, for the first three performances, contestants will have until 12:00 PM (Noon, Mountain Time) on day of performance to complete trades with the rodeo secretary. The deadline applies to the first performance in the trade. For example, if contestants are trading between the 1st and the 4th performance, the trade deadline is 12:00 noon on day of 1st performance. If contestants are trading between the 2nd and 3rd performances, the trade deadline is 12:00 noon on the day of the 2nd performance. BR: No day money. ALL EVENTS - Special entry fees -$300 RS / $400 TE ($400 per man in TR). ALL CONTESTANTS: Will be required to wear back numbers provided by the “Utah Days of 47 Rodeo”. The back numbers must be visible on the outside of a vest or jacket. TIMED EVENTS ONLY - No performance preference (N.P.P.). STALLS: Utah State Fairpark has limited stalls and hookups available. Stalls are first come, first served. Contestants are requested to arrive no earlier than 10:00 AM on day of their competition, only utilize stalls for the night they are competing, then vacate by 8:00 AM the following day to accommodate the next group of contestants. FORMAT - BB, SB, BR : One go-round with a Finals. The top two (2) contestants based on highest scores from each of the first four (4) performances will advance to the Finals. Eight (8) contestants in the Finals. FORMAT - TD, SW, TR: Limit 80 entries. Two (2) complete go-rounds in slack. The top 32 in the average after the first two go-rounds will advance to the Progressive Round (will not exceed 32) held during the first four (4) performances (8 per performance). The top two (2) contestants QUALIFICATIONS - BB, SB, BR : Limit 32 entries. No compensation. No slack. The top 32 who enter based on 2024 money won as of 7 days prior to entry closing will be accepted. No exemptions. QUALIFICATIONS - TD, SW, TR: Limit 80 entries. The top 80 who enter based on 2024 money won as of 7 days prior to entry closing will be accepted. No exemptions. ADVANCEMENT TIE-BREAKERS: In the riding events, if ties result in more than two (2) to advance to the Finals from a performance, the tied contestant with the highest ranking based on 2024 money won as of 7 days prior to entry closing will advance. In the timed events, if ties result in more than two (2) to advance to the Finals from a performance, the tied contestant with the highest ranking (fastest time) in the average after the two go-rounds in slack will advance. If still tied, the contestant with the single fastest time in either of the first two go-rounds of slack will advance. If still tied, the tied contestant with the highest ranking based on 2024 money won as of 7 days prior to entry closing will advance. ALL EVENTS: If there are fewer than two (2) qualified scores or times in a performance, the contestant with the next highest score or fastest time from the other performances will be contacted and offered the opportunity to advance. If that contestant does not accept the position, the contestant with the next highest score or fastest time will be contacted. This procedure will be followed until all positions in the Finals are filled based on fastest times in that respective performance will advance to the Finals.
(will not exceed 8). ALL EVENTS: If a contestant chooses to decline advancement to the Finals due to injury or any other reason, the contestant with the next highest score or fastest time from that respective performance will advance. RIDING EVENTS: If there are not eight (8) qualified scores in an event advancing to the Finals. The tied contestant with the highest ranking based on 2024 money won as of 7 days prior to entry closing will advance. RIDING EVENTS: Riding event pens of stock and re-ride pool will be established by the rodeo producer. Stock will be drawn each day at the rodeo by the judges and posted no later than 2 hours prior to the performance. TIMED EVENTS: If there are not eight (8) qualified times in and event advancing to the Finals, remaining positions will be filled by: (1) The contestant with the highest ranking in the average after the two go-rounds in the slack will advance. (2) If tied, the tied contestant with the single fastest time in either of the first two go- rounds of slack will advance. (3) If still tied, the tied contestant with the highest ranking based on 2024 money won as of 7 days prior to entry closing will advance. TIMED EVENT PERFORMANCE PREFERENCES: Performance preferences will be accepted by the rodeo secretary in writing no later than one hour after the completion of the second go-round for each event in the slack. The priority list for placement in the performances will be determined by the fastest time in the average being first on the priority list. If a contestant’s first preference is not available, his second preference will be checked for availability before moving to the contestant with the next fastest time in the average. TIMED EVENT COMPETITION ORDER: Will be randomly drawn by the judges for each performance after the trade deadline. ALL EVENTS COMPETTITION ORDER FOR THE FINALS: The competition order in the Finals will be randomly drawn. In the riding events, animals will be set in a predetermined “buck order”. The judges will draw animals for contestants. The predetermined “buck order” will determine the competition order. TIMED EVENT CATTLE: All timed events will have a minimum of half-enough cattle. TIMED EVENTS ESCAPED ANIMAL/RERUNS: If a timed event animal escapes or a re-run is due for any other reason, the extra will be used. TD: There will be a disqualification for a jerk down as long as all criteria in compliance with the jerk down policy. TR: Only two loops allowed. ALL EVENTS: If there are fewer qualified times or scores in the Finals than there are places to be paid, the remaining places to be paid to contestants with no time or no score will be based on fastest times or highest scores in the progressive round and if necessary, tie breakers as outlined for advancement will be used. All money paid out for the Finals will count towards the World Standings and Circuit Standings. PAYOFF - ALL EVENTS - PROGRESSIVE GO ROUND: Each of the four (4) performances of the Progressive go-round will pay four (4) places (per man in the TR): 1st - $2,000; 2nd - $1,500; 3rd - $1,000; 4th=$500. The Finals will pay eight (8) places: 1st - $13,000; 2nd - $9,000; 3rd - $5,000; 4th - $2,750; 5th - $1,500; 6th - $1,250; 7th - $750; 8th - $350. Committee guarantees the Progressive Round and Final Round payoffs. PAYOFF - TIMED EVENTS - 1ST AND 2ND GO ROUND (Slack on July 17-18): Payoff will include the 1st and 2nd go-rounds and the average after the two go-rounds. All percentages will be in accordance with the PRCA Rule Book. ALL EVENTS: Hazers, pushers, rope pullers, and other assistants must obtain credentials from the
EOO: 10:30 AM MDT JUNE 19 EC: 10:30 AM MDT JUNE 21
PHILADELPHIA MS JULY 19-20 NESHOBA COUNTY FAIR & RODEO ARENA: Neshoba Co Fairgrounds ADDRESS: 16800 Hwy 21 South PERFS: 2 Perfs: July 19- 7:30 PM; July 20- 7:30 PM EVENTS: BB SB BR TD SW @ $1200 TR-HD TR-HL @ $600 PERMITS: BB SB BR TR; MAX - TD SW GROUND RULES: Only actual contestant and one companion allowed gate access. ALL EVENTS - The “30-hour replacement” policy will be in effect. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. ALL EVENTS - The “walk-up replacement” policy will be in effect. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. ALL EVENTS - Re-entries will be accepted for available positions on Mon., July 15 between 9 AM and 2 PM. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. TRADE DEADLINE - Mon., July 15 at 4 PM. All confirmed trades will be final and will be processed immediately after both involved parties have confirmed through PROCOM. BR - The total above includes the purse of $1,200 for 2024 plus $4,680 carried over due to no qualified rides at the 2023 rodeo in Philadelphia per R5.5.3.1. GB - Approved for first slack event in accordance with R4.9.4. QUALIFICATIONS: BB & SB - 30 minimum entries. No compensation. No slack. BR - 32 minimum entries. No compensation. No slack. STK. CONT.: HARPER & MORGAN RODEO CO PERFS: 5 Perfs: July 19- 7:30 PM; July 20- 7:30 PM; July 22- 7:30 PM; July 23- 7:30 PM; July 24- 7:30 PM FINALS: July 24- 7:30 PM BB SB BR TD SW TR SLACK: July 16- 7:30 AM TR, GB, TR; July 17- 7:30 AM 1st go SW, TD; 2nd go SW; July 18- 7:30 AM 2nd go TD EVENTS: BB SB BR @ $47000 TD SW TR-HD TR HL @ $53000 SPECIAL ENTRY FEES: BB-$300; SB-$300; BR- $300; TD-$400; SW-$400; TR-$400 PERMITS: BB SB BR TR GROUND RULES: Only actual contestant and one companion will be allowed gate access. Additional companion tickets will be available at a discounted price at check-in. ALL EVENT - The “30-hour replacement” and “walk-up replacement” policies will be in effect. The alternate list for the progressive go-round for the timed events will be based on fastest times in the average from the first two go- rounds. The alternate list for the riding events will be established by PROCOM and based on 2024 money won as of 7 EOO: 10:30 AM MDT JULY 10 EC: 10:30 AM MDT JULY 11 PLAYOFF SERIES SALT LAKE CITY UT JULY 19-20 & 22-24 UTAH DAYS OF ‘47 RODEO ARENA: Days of 47’ Arena ADDRESS: 300 N 1200 W
ProRodeo Sports News 5/24/2024
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