PRCA Business Journal - May 24, 2024

TD, SW, TR - One go-round. 10 contestants will be placed in the performance. The remainder will compete in slack. BR - Total above includes $2,100 for 2024, plus $5,920 carried over due to no qualified rides at the 2023 rodeo in Gerry on Aug. 2, 2023 per R5.5.3.1. QUALIFICATIONS: BB, SB, BR - 15 minimum entries. No compensation. No slack. STK. CONT.: PAINTED PONY CHAMPIONSHIP RODEO

injury release through PROCOM, the contestant with the next highest ranking in the average may be placed in that available position. Non-notified turn- outs and visible injury releases after the turn-out deadline will not be replaced. If the next highest ranked contestant is not available to accept the position the next highest ranked contestant may be contacted and placed in that position. This procedure will be followed until all positions are filled. The replacement contestant’s competition order will be based on his ranking in the average (not on the ranking of the contestant that he is replacing). In the riding events, if an animal has already been drawn for a contestant who has turned-out, the replacement contestant will draw an animal from a pool consisting of all animals that have been turned-out (includes DR’s and VIR’s). TR - Only two loops allowed. GB - Approved for first slack event in accordance with R4.9.4. QUALIFICATIONS: BB, SB - 60 minimum entries. No compensation. W/F’s (12). $5,000 held out for finals. No slack. BR - 80 minimum entries. No compensation. W/F’s (12). $5,000 held out for finals. No slack. TD, SW, TR - 90 minimum entries. Two go-rounds. W/F’s (12). Back to back, slack to slack, or slack to performance. Approximately 30 contestants (or teams) will run their first go-round during 8 AM (held each day, Wed. July 31 - Sat. Aug. 3) immediately following the GBR. The ten contestants with fastest times from the first go-round will be placed in the performance that night (slowest time will run first, fastest time will run last). If splits result in more than ten, a random draw will determine which contestants will compete in the performance (will not exceed ten) and which will compete in slack. The order of competition of ties from the first go-round will also be determined by random draw. If there are not ten qualified times from the first go-round to fill the performance, the remaining positions will be filled by contestants based on the reverse order of their first go-round positions (Only contestants who competed in the first go-round will be placed in the performance). The remaining contestants (not placed in the performance) will run their second go-round in slack immediately following the completion of the first go-round in reverse order of their first go round position. The order of the draw will be the

rides (randomly drawn order). If there are not eight (8) qualified rides during the long go, all remaining positions will be filled by random draw. If the 8th place is tied going into the finals, the tie will be broken by highest marked spur ride from the long go, if still tied then a random draw will determine the finals qualifier. Contestants who did not have a qualified score in the first go-round and are drawn back to compete in the finals, will not be eligible to place in the aggregate. TURN OUT/ALTERNATE PROCEDURE: Contestants who have originally entered and were eligible at time of entry but were drawn out will be added to an alternate list. These contestants will be notified of any turn-outs or doctor releases and be given the option of re-entry up to 24 hours prior to rodeo turn out deadline, any turnouts done after the alternate time frame will be filled by walk up replacements only. If stock has already been drawn in the rough stock they will draw stock from a pool of animals consisting of all turned out stock for that performance and all re- ride stock for that performance. * If a contestant notifies a turn-out, DR or visible release and is replaced by an alternate, the alternate contestant will be responsible for the entry fees. If the contestant that notified the turnout or visible release is not replaced by an alternate, they will be responsible for the entry fee. If a contestant properly doctor releases they will not be responsible for entry fees. STK. CONT.: CALGARY STAMPEDE ARENA: Dodge City Roundup Arena ADDRESS: 608 S. 14th Ave PERFS: 5 Perfs: July 31- 8:00 PM; August 1- 8:00 PM; August 2- 8:00 PM; August 3- 8:00 PM; August 4- 8:00 PM FINALS: August 4- 8:00 PM BB SB BR TD SW TR SLACK: July 30- 8:00 AM SR; July 31- 8:00 AM EVENTS: BB SB BR TD SW TR-HD TR-HL @ $23500 SR @ $13500 SPECIAL ENTRY FEES: BB-$125 IF 1/$200 IF 2; SB-$100 IF 1/$ 200 IF 2; BR-$100 + $100 DM IF 1/$200 IF 2; TD-$450; SW-$425; TR-$450; SR- $400 PERMITS: BB SB BR TD SW TR; MAX - SR GROUND RULES: ALL EVENTS - The “30-hour replacement” policy will be in effect. See the Rodeo Entry Information page of the Business Journal. ALL EVENTS - The “walk-up replacement” policy will be in effect. See Rodeo Entry Information section of the business journal. ALL EVENTS - Re-entries will be accepted for available positions on Tues., July 23 between 9 AM and 11 AM. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. RIDING EVENT TRADE DEADLINE - Mon., July 22 at 4 PM. All confirmed trades will be final and will be processed immediately after both involved parties have confirmed through PROCOM. TIMED EVENT TRADE DEADLINE - Thurs., July 25 at 4 PM. All confirmed trades will be final and will be processed immediately after both involved parties have confirmed through PROCOM . SR - Three go-rounds. All will be run during slack on July 30 at 8 AM. Stock charge $60 per go round. Extras will be used to replace sick or injured animals. (The misdraw procedure will not be used). ALL EVENTS - If a contestant who qualifies for the finals notifies a turn-out, doctor’s release, or visible EOO: 8:00 AM MDT JULY 4 EC: 2:00 PM MDT JULY 4 PLAYOFF SERIES DODGE CITY KS JULY 31-AUGUST 4 DODGE CITY ROUNDUP RODEO

EOO: 10:30 AM MDT JULY 22 EC: 10:30 AM MDT JULY 23



ARENA: Stettler District Ag ADDRESS: 4516 52nd St PERFS: 1 Perf: July 31- 7:00 PM EVENTS: SB @ $20000 SPECIAL ENTRY FEES: SB-$125 PERMITS: SB

GROUND RULES: Only cards accepted at gate will be contestants entered and 1 companion. All others must pay at the gate. No exceptions. ALL CONTESTANTS: Re-entries, if needed, will be accepted for available positions 24 hours after entries close from 8am- 2pm. See Rodeo Entry Information on Rodeo Schedule. RE-ENTRIES: Re-entries will be accepted where the actual entries accepted during the original entry period were less than the limit. Entries re opened sometime prior to the riding event stock draw. Contestants that enter during the re- entry period will be placed in the remaining available positions (available positions will be defined by the stock contractor and/or committee based on the number of contestants that entered during the re-entry period). All re-entries will be accepted to fill the performances not to exceed the original limit defined in the ground rules (based on “money won” qualifications). WALK UP REPLACEMENTS: Contestants who have originally entered and were eligible at time of entry but were drawn out may, in person, check with the rodeo secretary no later than 1 hour prior to the performance to confirm their availability and desire to be an alternate. If selected, by random draw of all walk ups available, an alternate will assume the competition position of the contestant that he is replacing, in the rough stock they will draw stock from a pool of animals consisting of all turned out stock for that performance and all re-ride stock for that performance. QUALIFICATIONS: Maximum 30 contestants based on top 100 blended CPRA/PRCA standing as of Wednesday July 6, 2024 will be used to determine draw outs. 10% of entries will consist of rookie or first year members with 2024 earnings, blended with the CPRA and PRCA standings. If the qualifications are not filled by contestants with dollars won leaving open positions; the remaining openings will be filled by a random draw of card holders then semi-pro card holders. If there are still open positions, all remaining openings will be filled by a random draw of permit holders. FORMAT: One go-round with a (top 8) finals. $5,000 held out for short go, 6 places paid in long go, 6 places paid in aggregate, 4 places paid in short go. FINALS: Top eight (8) will advance to finals. Top eight (8) will then pick their own finals stock out of a pen of twelve (12). First (1st) place coming into the finals getting first pick down to eighth (8th). The remaining four (4) horses will be the finals re

same as the competition order. STK. CONT.: FRONTIER RODEO EOO: 10:00 AM MDT JUNE 28 EC: 10:00 AM MDT JULY 2

ProRodeo Sports News 5/24/2024


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