PRCA Business Journal - May 24, 2024
Change R9.6.1.8 No Sharp Spurs . Rider shall not use sharp spurs. Must be self-locking, ¼ inch-thick-rowels with a 1/8-inch thick groove (e.g. Koschel rowels). (J. Cowley – Calgary Stampede, T, Hirsig – Cheyenne Frontier Days, C. Boleman – Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, G. Combs- Reno Rodeo, J. Jonas – San Angelo Stock Show & Rodeo, C. Andrus – California Rodeo Salinas, B. S. Barnes – Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo, P. Andrews – National Western Stock Show, G. Alan Phillips – Rodeo Austin, C. Davenport – San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo 03/24) R10.6 Tie-down Roping. Change R10.6.1 General Requirements . Contestant must rope animal, with a clean catch around the neck with the exception of an ear (bell-collar catch), dismount, throw animal by hand and cross and tie any three legs. To qualify as legal tie, there shall be at least one wrap around all three legs and a half-hitch. If animal is down when roper contestant reaches it, the animal must be let up to his feet and be thrown by hand. The catch must be legal prior to the contestant initially touching the animal. If roper’s contestant’s hand is on the animal when animal falls, animal is considered thrown by hand. Rope must hold animal until roper contestant gets hand on animal. Three legs must remain crossed and tied for six three seconds, as timed by the judge, from the time the rope horse takes his first step forward after the roper has remounted, until approved by the judge which starts as soon as the contestant calls for time and takes one step in the direction of his horse and maintains forward motion toward the horse. Roper Contestant must not touch animal after signaling that he is finished until after the judge has completed his examination. Rope must remain slack until field judge approves the tie. Unless instructed to do so by the judge, roper contestant will be disqualified for removing rope from animal after signaling for time, until the tie has been passed on by the field judge. In the event a contestant’s catch rope is off an animal after completion of tie, the six three -second time period is to start when roper clears animal. Flag judge must watch calf during the six three -second period and will stop watch when an animal kicks free, using the time shown on the watch to determine whether animal was tied long enough to qualify. If tie becomes illegal by animal kicking, or animal gets to his feet before tie has been approved by the judge, the roper contestant will be marked “no time.” (J. Cowley – Calgary Stampede, T, Hirsig – Cheyenne Frontier Days, C. Boleman – Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, G. Combs- Reno Rodeo, J. Jonas – San Angelo Stock Show & Rodeo, C. Andrus – California Rodeo Salinas, B. S. Barnes – Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo, P. Andrews – National Western Stock Show, G. Alan Phillips – Rodeo Austin, C. Davenport – San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo 03/24) New R10.7.1.1 Clean Run . If a clean fall is not achieved and the motion stops for approximately two seconds, the steer should be allowed to regain his feet before being thrown. If the steer is not allowed to regain his feet when instructed by the judge, a no time will be awarded. In the extreme instance of a dog fall, the run should result in a no time. A dog fall shall be deemed to occur when the hip of the steer falls in the opposite direction of the intended throw. Should that hip come in contact with any other part of the steer or the ground, the judge will flag the contestant out, require the contestant to assist the steer to its feet and assign a no time on the run. (J. Cowley – Calgary Stampede, T, Hirsig – Cheyenne Frontier Days, C. Boleman – Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, G. Combs- Reno Rodeo, J. Jonas – San Angelo Stock Show & Rodeo, C. Andrus – California Rodeo Salinas, B. S. Barnes – Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo, P. Andrews – National Western Stock Show, G. Alan Phillips – Rodeo Austin, C. Davenport – San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo 03/24) Change R11.2.6 Contestant Not Ready to Perform . In any event, a contestant not ready when called during a performance or section of slack will be fined $25 for the first offense; $50 for the second offense; and $100 for the third and subsequent offenses, and/or may be disqualified from the rodeo where the offense is committed. (J. Cowley – Calgary Stampede, T, Hirsig – Cheyenne Frontier Days, C. Boleman – Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, G. Combs- Reno Rodeo, J. Jonas – San Angelo Stock Show & Rodeo, C. Andrus – California Rodeo Salinas, B. S. Barnes – Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo, P. Andrews – National Western Stock Show, G. Alan Phillips – Rodeo Austin, C. Davenport – San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo 03/24)
ProRodeo Sports News 5/24/2024
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