PRCA Business Journal - November 10, 2023
may only compete at the Maple Leaf Circuit Finals if it is their designated circuit within the PRCA/WPRA. MLCF money won will count for 2024 Canadian and World standings. 4 go-rounds and an average will be paid Turn out/Alternate Procedure: Contestants who were eligible at time of entry will be added to an alternate list. 30 Hour Replacement: A DR, VIR, or a notified TO can be replaced by an alternate as long as the notification is made through CRES at least 30 hours prior to the scheduled performance in which the contestant is being replaced. Notifications made after the “30-hour” deadline will not be replaced and notifications on record with CRES at the 30 hour deadline will be final. Replacements must be made prior to the first go round of competition. If stock has already been drawn in the riding events, the judges will draw an animal for the alternate contestant, after the TO deadline for that performance, from a pool consisting of the animal drawn by the contestant that he is replacing, any other turned out animals (which includes NTO’s, DR’s, and VIR’s), and the first designated re-ride for that performance that is still available. If stock has not yet been drawn, the contestant will be drawn an animal by CRES during the scheduled stock draw time. Animals that are turned out (includes NTO’s, DR’s, and VIR’s) will not be included in the re-ride draw until after the TO deadline (3 hours prior to the performance) and replacements for that performance have been made, to ensure that there are the same number of animals and contestants for that performance. If not enough contestants to fil contestant list have competed at their required rodeos, the CPRA will role back to the top of the standings and fill in members with the highest ranked contestant without rodeo count. (Money will not count to PRCA world standings or be eligible for NFR open position without rodeo count). * If a contestant notifies a turn-out, DR or visible release and is replaced by an alternate, the alternate contestant will be responsible for the entry fees. If the contestant that notified the turnout or visible release is not replaced by an alternate, they will be responsible for the entry fee. If a contestant properly doctor releases they will not be responsible for entry fees. PAYOUT: Top 4 in each round. Top 4 in aggregate. STK. CONT.: C5 RODEO ARENA: Cowtown Coliseum ADDRESS: 121 E. Exchange Ave PERFS: 3 Perfs: November 24-7:30 PM; November 25-1:30 PM; November 25-7:30 PM EVENTS: BB SB BR TD SW TR-HD TR-HL @ $1000 PERMITS: BB SB BR TD SW TR GROUND RULES: Only actual contestant and one companion allowed gate access. ALL EVENTS - The “30-hour replacement” policy will be in effect. See Rodeo Entry Information section of the Business Journal ALL EVENTS - The “walk-up replacement” policy will be in effect. See Rodeo Entry Information section of the Business Journal. ALL EVENTS - Re-entries will be accepted for available positions on Mon., Nov. 20 between 9 AM and 1 PM. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. TRADE DEADLINE - Fri., Nov. 17 at 4 PM. All confirmed trades will be final and will be processed immediately after both involved parties have confirmed through PROCOM. EOO: 8:00 AM MDT OCTOBER 17 EC: 2:00 PM MDT OCTOBER 17 FORT WORTH TX NOVEMBER 24-25 STOCKYARDS PRORODEO
DIVISION 2 EVENT SPRINGFIELD IL NPP NOVEMBER 18 CORD MCCOY’S XTREME BULLS BASH ARENA: BOS Center ADDRESS: 1 Convention Plaza PERFS: 1 Perf: November 18-6:00 PM EVENTS: BR @ $15000 SPECIAL ENTRY FEES: BR-$100 IF 1/$150 IF 2 PERMITS: BR GROUND RULES: Only actual contestant and one companion allowed gate access. ALL CONTESTANTS - The “30-hour” and “walk-up” replacement policies will be in effect. The check-in deadline for this event will be one hour prior to the performance. The alternate list for this event will be based on a random draw. ALL CONTESTANTS - Re-entries will be accepted for available positions on Tues., Nov. 14 between 9 AM and 11 AM. See Rodeo Entry Information page of the business journal. GRACE PERIOD - Will expire one hour after entries close. COMPETITION FORMAT - 35 minimum entries. May be two go-rounds, back-to-back, same performance, depending on the number of entries. If two go-rounds, the number of entries accepted during the re-entry period will not exceed one half the original limit. QUALIFICATIONS: 25% permits, 25% first year, all remaining positions will be filled by random draw. No exemptions. A contestant will not be accepted as an entry at an X-Bulls event if he is already placed in a position at another PRCA rodeo or event that conflicts with the X-Bulls event. STK. CONT.: VARIOUS SUB. CONT.: MCCOY RODEO PERFS: 4 Perfs: November 22-7:00 PM; November 23-7:00 PM; November 24-7:00 PM; November 25-7:00 PM EVENTS: BB SB BR TD SW TR-HD TR-HL @ $14000 SPECIAL ENTRY FEES: BB-$300; SB-$300; BR- $300; TD-$300; SW-$300; TR-$300 PERMITS: BB SB BR TD SW TR GROUND RULES: 10 contestants based on 2023 MLC standings. Rodeo count for contestants. Residents must compete at a minimum of 14 circuit rodeos (40%) and non-residents must compete at a minimum 18 circuit rodeos (50%) based on 2022 Maple Leaf circuit rodeos. (Please refer to PRCA rules 8.8. and 8.8.2. concerning resident/non-resident requirements.) Rodeo Count for Breakaway Ropers to qualify for this year’s MLC Finals: residents must compete at 11 rodeos and non-residents must complete at 15. based on 2023 Maple Leaf circuit rodeos. (Please refer to PRCA rules 8.8. and 8.8.2. concerning resident/ non-resident requirements.) Permit and semi pro memberships will be included in MLC standings. PRCA/WPRA co-approved rodeos (held outside of the MLC) will count as money won but will not be included in rodeo count towards qualifying for the Maple Leaf Circuit Finals. PRCA/WPRA members EOO: 11:00 AM MDT NOVEMBER 1 EC: 11:00 AM MDT NOVEMBER 2 MAPLE LEAF CIRCUIT FINALS REGINA SK CN NPP NOVEMBER 22-25 MAPLE LEAF CIRCUIT FINALS ARENA: Brandt Center ADDRESS: 1700 Elphinstone St.
GROUND RULES: ALL EVENTS - PROCOM will attempt to replace TO’s, VIR’s, DR’s or DO’s that are notified through PROCOM prior to 5 PM on Thurs., Nov. 16 from the alternate list consisting of contestants who entered and were drawn out due to qualifications. The order of contestants on the alternate list will be based on 2023 money won as a permit member. ALL CONTESTANTS - Each contestant will receive a $500 stipend. ALL EVENTS - Only 2023 money won as a permit member will count towards qualifications. Contestants must enter through PROCOM during the specified times. QUALIFICATIONS: The top 5 permit members (which includes any contestant who was a permit member for any part of the 2023 rodeo season) who enter, based on 2023 money won as a permit member, will be accepted. ALL EVENTS: Two go-rounds, back-to-back, same performance. Extras will be used to replace sick or injured animals. The misdraw procedure will not be used. If a steer escapes or a rerun is awarded for any other reason, the extra will be used. Only escaped animals go back into the heard. STOCK CHARGE - $60 per go-round ***Money won at the Permit Challenge will not count towards World Standings or circuit standings. It will count towards 2024 money won” qualifications.*** STK. CONT.: VARIOUS ARENA: Kansas Star Arena ADDRESS: 777 Kansas Star Dr SLACK: November 18-9:00 AM; November 18-7:00 PM EVENTS: SR @ $10000 SPECIAL ENTRY FEES: SR-$450 PERMITS: SR GROUND RULES: QUALIFICATIONS: The top 15 (plus ties) in the Legacy Steer Roping Standings will be accepted as entries. 2023 NSFR contestants will not be accepted to participate in the 2023 Legacy Steer Roping finals. FORMAT: Three go-rounds all run at 9 AM on Saturday morning, November 18, with a top 8 finals that will be run during the NFSR performance that night. Extras will be used to replace sick or injured animals. The misdraw procedure will not be used. $60 stock charge per go-round. Contestant who qualify for the finals will be responsible to pay an additional $60 stock charge for the finals. See complete ground rules for the 2023 Legacy Steer roping finals online at STK. CONT.: VARIOUS EOO: 11:00 AM MDT OCTOBER 20 EC: 11:00 AM MDT OCTOBER 23 LEGACY STEER ROPING FINALS MULVANE KS NPP NOVEMBER 18 LEGACY STEER ROPING FINALS
ProRodeo Sports News 11/10/2023
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