PRCA Business Journal - November 11, 2022
Delete R1.7.5 Verification of Unofficial Entry . Verification of “unofficial entry” will be conveyed to each contestant who has designated a rodeo as an unofficial entry no later than 14 days following entry closing time of the given rodeo. Verification, or protest, must be returned within 14 days of the date of the notification. If no protest is made by the contestant within 14 days of the date designated on the notification, earnings will stand as posted. (RCEC 2/22) New R2.12.3.8 Trade Restrictions A contestant will not be allowed to enter another contestant or team for the sole purpose of obtaining a position in a rodeo to be used later as a first go-round trade or to affect the placement of a rodeo by PROCOM. Any contestant in violation of this offense or any contestant who willingly permits his card number to be used for this purpose, may be subject to a $10,000 fine and a possible 30-day suspension. (M. Sherwood 9/2021) New R2.12.3.9 Limit on Trades A contestant can only initiate or confirm a first go-round trade with the same person one time per rodeo year. (M Sherwood 9/2021) Change R9.5.1 Contestant Saddle Specifications . All riding must be done with saddles that meet the following PRCA specifications. Contestants not meeting these specifications will be disqualified and declared ineligible to compete for 30 days and subject to fine fined $250 for the first offense, $500 for the second offense, $1,000 for the third offense along with a 30 day suspension for the fourth and subsequent offenses within a given season. (PRCA Staff 4/22) Change R9.5.6 Only Dry Resin Allowed . Dry resin may be used on chaps and saddle. Anyone using any other foreign substance shall be disqualified and declared ineligible to compete for 30 days; also subject to fine fined $250 for the first offense, $500 for the second offense, $1,000 for the third offense along with a 30 day suspension for the fourth and subsequent offenses within a given season. The judges will examine clothing, saddle, rein and spurs. (PRCA Staff 4/22) Change R10.3.21 Failure of Animal to Pull Neck Rope . In the timed events, if an animal fails to break the neck rope and time is officially started by the contestant, that animal belongs to the contestant. A contestant cannot rope an animal before the neck rope comes off. However, if time is started by the animal and contestant (tie down roper, steer roper, steer wrestler and hazer, or header and heeler) remains behind the plane of the barrier for approximately 10 seconds, that animal should be considered a sulking animal and replaced using the Misdraw procedure . an animal starts the time and then stops before the neck rope comes off and the contestant declares immediately, he will be entitled to a rerun, as long as in the opinion of the judges, the stop was not caused by the hazer or the heeler. (M. Sherwood 11/2021) New R10.6.7 Falling Calf If an animal prior to crossing the score line goes down to his knees, belly, or hocks and the contestant declares immediately, a rerun will be given. Judges call whether the calf was pushed down intentionally New R10.6.7 Falling Calf In the Tie-down Roping, if in the opinion of the line judge, if the animal falls before it crosses the scoreline, the contestant shall be entitled to a rerun on his original stock, provided that the contestant declares immediately. There will be no penalty added to the rerun if, in the opinion of the judge, the contestant did not deliberately beat the barrier and if the contestant declares himself immediately. If the originally drawn animal cannot be re-ran, the contestant will run the extra (where an extra is available) or have a calf drawn for him according to the misdraw procedure (S. Hanchey 11/2021) Change R10.8.1.2 Barriers. All headers shall start from behind a barrier. At rodeos that add $5,000 per event with equal money in the team roping, all heelers shall also start from behind a barrier . A 10-second penalty will be added for breaking or beating a barrier. (PRCA Staff 4/22)
ProRodeo Sports News 11/11/2022
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