PRCA Business Journal - November 25, 2022



PHOTOGRAPHY NOTICE It has been reported to the PRCA by member photographers that there have been incidents in which PRCA members may have misused photographs taken by a PRCA Photographer at a PRCA-sanctioned event without permission of the PRCA Photographer or properly purchasing the photograph. Such reported misuse of photographs includes, but is not limited to posting to, online websites (including Facebook), providing to sponsor(s) for use, printing of photographs, providing photographs to news media, photographing the photograph with a cell phone, or any other use without proper purchase or written permission of the PRCA Photographer. As a member-driven organization, the PRCA encourages and expects all members to act with fairness and respect regarding their actions and dealings with fellow members.


ATTENTION MEMBERS No duplicate award buckles (i.e. NFR go-round) will be made by Montana Silversmiths except under extenuating circumstances, and then a letter will have to be submitted to the Properties Dept. If a request is accepted, the charge for the buckle will be retail. There will be no award buckles made that are not listed in the PRCA/Montana Silversmiths contract. Then again, if an exception is to be made, it will have to be authorized by the Properties Dept.

ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS; COVID-19 UPDATE Rodeos that were canceled will be removed from the business journal. Rodeos that were postponed will be labelled as “postponed” and will re-appear in the Business Journal.

Horizon Permit Bareback Riding: Rodeo committees in the Badlands Circuit will have the option to add an additional $500 for a special payoff to be paid out to permit bareback riders entered at that given rodeo. The Badlands Circuit will match the $500 added by the rodeo committee for a total of $1,000 added to the special payoff. Only the permit members entered in the bareback riding event at that respective rodeo will be eligible to be included in the special payoff for that rodeo. There will be no additional entry fees for the permit bareback riders. The permit contestants will not compete on any additional animals. The scores achieved on the animal drawn for competition at that respective rodeo will be used to determine the payoff. All permit bareback riders regardless of their circuit designation will automatically be included in the payoff. The number of places paid and the percentages will be in accordance with the PRCA Rule Book. If the bareback riding event at a given rodeo is more than one go-round, only places in the average will be paid. Money won in the Horizon Permit Bareback Riding event will count towards filling a permit, Circuit Standings, and “money won” qualifications. It will not count towards All Around and World Standings.

ProRodeo Sports News 11/25/2022


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