PRCA Business Journal - October 29, 2021

2022 Rule Proposals Change Judges Handbook If contestant is fouled, he must declare immediately to receive a re-ride he will receive a re-ride. If contestant accepts the foul and continues to compete and qualifies, he is only entitled to his marking or a re-ride. (C. Rostockyj 9/19) BOD Rejected 08/21 Change R1.2.15.1 Qualifying for Early Limited Entry Rodeos – Except Saddle Bronc. Qualifications for all events other than saddle bronc for limited entry rodeos during the early season of the Rodeo Year will be as follows: (1) rodeos with entries closing on or before January 31 st of the current Rodeo Year would be 90% from last year’s money-won and 10% from this year’s money-won; (2) rodeos that close on February 1 st of the current Rodeo Year and on or before the last day of February of the current Rodeo Year would be 80% from last year money won, and 20% from this year’s money-won; (3) rodeos closing on or after March 1 st through the last day of March would be 70% from last year’s money-won and 30% from this year’s money- won; (4) rodeos closing on or after April 1 st through the last day of April would be 60% from last year’s money-won and 40% from this year’s money-won; (5) rodeos closing on or after May 1 st through the last day of May June 14 th would be 50% from last year’s money-won and 50% from this year’s money-won; and (6) rodeos closing on or after July June 15 th would be only current year money-won. (PRCA Staff 4/20) BOD Adopted as amended 08/21 Delete R1.2.15.2 Qualifying for Early Limited Entry Rodeos – Saddle Bronc Event. Qualifications for the saddle bronc event for limited entry rodeos during the early season of the Rodeo Year will be as follows: (1) rodeos with entries closing on or before January 31st of the current Rodeo Year would be 90% from last year’s money won and 10% from this year’s money won; (2) rodeos that close on February 1 of the current Rodeo Year and on or before the last day of February of the current Rodeo Year would be 80% from last year money won, and 20% from this year’s money won; (3) rodeos closing on or after March 1st through the last day of March would be 70% from last year’s money won and 30% from this year’s money won: (4) rodeos closing on or after April 1st through the last day of April would be 60% from last year’s money won and 40% from this year’s money won. (5) rodeos closing on or after May 1st through the last day of May would be 50% from last year’s money won and 50% from this year’s money won; (6) rodeos closing on or after June 1st through the last day of June would be 40% from last year’s money won and 60% from this year’s money won; and (7) rodeos closing on or after July 1st through July 15 would be 30% from last year’s money won and 70% from this year’s money won; rodeos closing on or after July 15th would be only current year money won. (PRCA Staff 4/20) BOD Adopted to delete 08/21 Change R1.3.3.4 Central Entry Office Fee. At which time PRCA event contestant pays entry fees, he will also pay a $5 $7 Central Entry Office fee. This fee will not be added to the payoff but will revert to the PRCA National Office. (PRCA staff 4/19) BOD Rejected, no change 08/21 R1.5.2 Single Event Buddy. R1.5.2.1 Same Event. Contestants wishing to buddy must have exactly the same preferences and parameters and can buddy only in the same event . Any deviation shall negate the buddy arrangement. (Heath Ford Submission 6/18) BOD Rejected 09/21 Change R1.6.7 Or Out. Replace Me. “Out Replace me if I don’t get my performance preference and if a replacement is available” will be accepted at time of entry. If a replacement is available, The contestant will be drawn out of the rodeo if he does not receive either his first or his second preference and he used “Or Out” as a parameter . Replacement shall be defined as any contestant drawn out due to permits maximum or qualifications. If more contestants give this parameter than the number of available replacements, a random draw will determine which of the contestants is replaced. Replacements for the contestants who are drawn out due to the “Or Out” parameter will be accepted as follows: 1) In a qualification rodeo, according to qualification procedures; and will be subject to preferences and parameters listed in the potential replacement’s original entry; and 2) Otherwise, by random draw, and will be subject to preferences and parameters listed in the potential replacement’s original entry. A replacement who has given a “no preference” parameter at time of entry will be accepted if he is one of the first drawn in the random draw. There will be a $5 Central Entry Office Charge when a contestant is taken out of the rodeo using the “or out” parameter. (PRCA Staff 4/19) BOD Adopted as amended 08/21 R 1.7 Official Entries. R1.7.1 Championship Points . Change R1.7.1.1 All-Around Points . No more than 70 85 rodeos will be accepted as “official entries” for All-Around Points. Xtreme Bulls will not Only rodeos offering the six (6) standard events will count in the All-Around Points. (PRCA Staff 6/21) BOD Rejected 08/21



ProRodeo Sports News 10/29/2021

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