PRCA Business Journal - Sept. 1, 2023

Cost per Contestant/perf. ........................Contestant drawn out 10-11.................................................................. $50 12....................................................................... $35 13-14.................................................................. $30 15-16 .................................................................. $25 17-19 .................................................................. $20 20-24 .................................................................. $15 25 or more.......................................................... $10 Supplemental requirements: A) The money generated by this formula will be added to the committee purse and the entry fees will be based on that new total. B) If 16 or more contestants are out in the bull riding per performance, there may be two sections. C) No contestant may be held until after a performance, except for rerides, unless otherwise approved by the Event Representative. Note: At rodeos that add $5,000 or less per event, rodeos may utilize all Permits, Permits Maximum, Circuit Permits Maximum, or Circuit Permits if they do not limit entries. (PRCA Staff 3/22) Recommend to approve by Competition Committee R1.7 Official Entries Change R1.7.1 Championship Points . Only money won at “official entry” rodeos will count for Championship Points. All sanctioned PRCA events will count for Championship Points unless otherwise designated on a case-by-case basis by the Board Change R1.7.1.1 All-Around Points . No more than 70 rodeos will be accepted as “official entries” for All-Around Points. Xtreme Bulls will not count in the All-Around Points. Xtreme Bulls will not count in the All-Around points . (RCEC 2/22) Recommend to deny by Competition Committee Change R1.7.1.2 Sponsor Points . All sponsor points will count at any approved rodeo or standalone event , regardless of the “official” or “unofficial” designation . (RCEC 2/22) Recommend to deny by Competition Committee Change R1.7.1.3 Circuit Points . Circuit points and the requisite rodeo count for Circuit Finals Rodeo eligibility will count for those all rodeos and standalone events considered either an “official entry” or “unofficial entry” rodeo (excluding co-approved rodeos according to Bylaw B10.2.10). (RCEC 2/22) Recommend to deny by Competition Committee Change R1.7.1.3 Circuit Points. Circuit points and the requisite rodeo count for Circuit Finals Rodeo eligibility will count for those rodeos considered either an “official entry” or “unofficial entry” rodeo (excluding co-approved rodeos according to Bylaw B10.2.10).(J. Crawley 3/22) Recommend to approved by Competition Committee Delete R1.7.2 Maximum Number of Official Entries . A contestant may enter as many PRCA-approved rodeos as desired. However, no more than the following number of rodeos will be accepted as official entries: Bareback Riding 100 Official Rodeos Saddle Bronc Riding 100 Official Rodeos Bull Riding No limit Tie-Down Roping 100 Official Rodeos Steer Wrestling 85 Official Rodeos Team Roping 65 Official Rodeos . (RCEC 2022) Recommend to deny by Competition Committee of Directors. (RCEC 2/22) Recommend to deny by Competition Committee


ProRodeo Sports News 9/1/2023


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