PRCA Business Journal - September 16, 2022
Change R10.3.21 Failure of Animal to Pull Neck Rope . In the timed events, if an animal fails to break the neck rope and time is officially started by the contestant, that animal belongs to the contestant. A contestant cannot rope an animal before the neck rope comes off. However, if time is started by the animal and contestant (tie down roper, steer roper, steer wrestler and hazer, or header and heeler) remains behind the plane of the barrier for approximately 10 seconds, that animal should be considered a sulking animal and replaced using the Misdraw procedure . an animal starts the time and then stops before the neck rope comes off and the contestant declares immediately, he will be entitled to a rerun, as long as in the opinion of the judges, the stop was not caused by the hazer or the heeler. (M. Sherwood 11/2021) New R10.6.7 Falling Calf In the Tie-down Roping, if in the opinion of the line judge, if the animal falls before it crosses the scoreline, the contestant shall be entitled to a rerun on his original stock, provided that the contestant declares immediately. There will be no penalty added to the rerun if, in the opinion of the judge, the contestant did not deliberately beat the barrier and if the contestant declares himself immediately. If the originally drawn animal cannot be re-ran, the contestant will run the extra (where an extra is available) or have a calf drawn for him according to the misdraw procedure (S. Hanchey 11/2021) Change R10.8.1.2 Barriers. All headers shall start from behind a barrier. At rodeos that add $5,000 per event with equal money in the team roping, all heelers shall also start from behind a barrier. A 10-second penalty will be added for breaking or Change B2.3.5.1 Application of Money Won While a Permit Member . Money won while a Permit Member will not count toward the World Championship standings or toward qualification for competition at the National Finals Rodeo unless a Contestant Card is purchased within 30 days of filling a permit; regardless of the individual’s status when he entered the rodeo. The Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA) will contact permit holder who then has 30 days to purchase his Contestant Card. If not purchased within 30 days, the individual will remain on permit status for the remainder of the rodeo season. Money won while a Permit Member will count toward circuit points for qualification for competition at the Circuit Finals Rodeos, including the National Circuit Finals Rodeo, only. No money won while a Permit Member will count toward Rookie of the Year awards in either national standings or circuit standings. (T. Reeves, 2/22) Change B2.3.5.1 Application of Money Won While a Permit Member. Money won while a Permit Member will not count toward the World Championship standings or toward qualification for competition at the National Finals Rodeo. Money won while a Permit Member will count toward circuit points for qualification for competition at the Circuit Finals Rodeos, including the National Circuit Finals Rodeo, only. No money won while a Permit Member will count toward Rookie of the Year awards in either national standings or circuit standings. During a current dues paying year, if within 30 days of filling permit requirements of $1000, said member applies for Contestant (“C”) Card any money won on permit (“P”) Card WILL transfer over to C card and all monies won will count towards National Finals Rodeo World Standings, Rookie Standings and Circuit Finals Standings. Should the permit holder not purchase C Card within that 30 day grace period after filling their P card they will forfeit the opportunity to transfer any monies won on permit for current dues paying year except for qualification for competition at the Circuit Finals Rodeos, including the National Circuit Finals Rodeo. Contestant will still have the option to purchase C card at any time during the current season but all monies won after 30 day grace period will stay on P card. (C Corey, 3/22) New R10.6.7 Falling Calf If an animal prior to crossing the score line goes down to his knees, belly, or hocks and the contestant declares immediately, a rerun will be given. Judges call whether the calf was pushed down intentionally beating a barrier. (PRCA Staff 4/22) 2024 Bylaw Proposal Delete B1.1.7 No Gambling . The PRCA opposes any organized gambling in connection with PRCA-approved rodeos. (PRCA staff 4/22)
ProRodeo Sports News 9/16/2022
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