PRCA Committee Guide 2019
Injuries and emergencies
For livestock welfare materials, questions and issues at your event, please contact Jed Pugsley at 719-528-4782 or email at
• Be sure your vet brings all medications and equipment to the premise
• Have a designated pen out of the main traffic area with clean bedding where you can take any injured animal for treatment by the veterinarian • PRCA Rule 9.1.2 requires committees to have a conveyance – a sled or an animal ambulance – to transport injured rodeo livestock from the arena
• Designate a nearby facility that will accept an injured animal who needs further care but not hospitalization
Livestock welfare resources: A Guide to Veterinary Service at PRCA Rodeos, pamphlet PRCA Rodeo Committee Guide to Livestock Welfare, pamphlet
• Decide ahead of time how the announcer will address the crowd if an animal is injured (neither overdramatizing the incident or downplaying it) Security and public relations • Arrange for 24-hour security on your rodeo grounds for the safety of livestock and to make sure there are no unsupervised visitors • Prewrite a statement about the steps your rodeo is taking to provide a safe environment for livestock in case the media inquires • Offer behind-the-scenes tours to give the public a glimpse of the effort your committee and stock contractor are putting into the care for rodeo livestock
Animal rights Animal rights is the philosophy that animals have rights identical or similar to those of humans. The strictest animal rights proponents believe that humans should not use animals in any way – including recreation, sport, industry or entertainment.
Animal welfare A human responsibility that encompasses all aspects of animal wellbeing, including proper housing, management, disease prevention and treatment, responsible care, humane handling, and, when necessary, humane eu- thanasia. -American Veterinary Medical Association
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