PRCA Media Guide - Cowboys Part 2
2018 ProRodeo Top Cowboys (continued)
Reagan Ward
Team roping (heeling)
20 th
2018 world standings place:
$57,050 $171,370
2018 earnings: Career earnings:
June 22, 1987, in Edmond, Okla.
Edmond, Okla.
Residence: Joined PRCA: World titles:
0 0
Wrangler NFR qualifications:
Western Oklahoma State College (Altus, Okla.), associate’s degrees in businessmanagement and liberal arts
Professional 2018 Highlights – (Partner Andrew Ward) ★ ★ Won the Clark County Fair & Rodeo (Logandale, Nev.) ★ ★ Co-champion at the RAM National Circuit Finals Rodeo (Kissimmee, Fla.)
Career Highlights ★ ★ 2017: (Partner AndrewWard)Won Rodeo of the Ozarks (Springdale, Ark.); Heart of the North Rodeo (Spooner,Wis.); and the Pasadena (Texas) Livestock Show& Rodeo. Split the win at the Harrison (Ark.) PRCA Rodeo and the Mesquite (Texas) ProRodeo Series on Sept. 16. Finished 34th in the world standings with $38,277 ★ ★ 2016: (Partner Andrew Ward) Won the Rodeo of the Ozarks (Springdale, Ark.) and split the win at the Cheyenne County Fair & Rodeo (Cheyenne Wells, Colo.). Ranked 101st in the world standings with $10,845. ★ ★ 2015: (Partner Andrew Ward) Won the Hinton (Okla.) PRCA Rodeo and the Great Plains Stampede Rodeo (Altus, Okla.). Ranked 65th in the world standings with $16,434. ★ ★ 2014: (Partner AndrewWard)Won the PRCA Championship Rodeo (Topeka, Kan.); Silverton (Texas) BuckWild Days Rodeo; the 101 Wild West Rodeo (Ponca City, Okla.); the Woodward (Okla.) Elks Rodeo; the Oregon Trail Rodeo (Hastings, Neb.); and theWestTexas Fair & Rodeo (Abilene,Texas). Ranked 45th in the world standings with $26,166. ★ ★ 2013: (Partner Andrew Ward) Won the Chisholm Trail Stampede (Duncan, Okla.) and split the win at the Parker County Frontier Days and PRCA Rodeo (Weatherford, Texas). Ranked 61st in the world standings with $15,384. ★ ★ 2012: (Partner AndrewWard)Won theWoodward (Okla.) Elks Rodeo and the Barber County Fair and Rodeo (Hardtner, Kan.). Split the win at the XIT Rodeo & Reunion (Dalhart, Texas). Won $10,152 on his permit. Personal 5-10, 180 … Single … Parents are Terry (dad) and Terri (mom), has five sisters and two bothers … Older brother, Brannon, and younger brother, Andrew, are both PRCA team ropers … Favorite rodeo is the Woodward (Okla.) Elks Rodeo because it was his first ProRodeo win and the Oklahoma High School Finals rodeo is held there … Favorite food is anything made by his sister, Laura, a chef … Enjoys listening to“The Team Never Quit”podcast with Marcus Luttrell … Looks up to Clay O’Brien Cooper … Enjoys John Wayne movies … Likes to spend time with family
Jake Wright
Saddle bronc riding
2018 world standings place: 11th 2018 Wrangler NFR standings place: 10 th 2018 Wrangler NFR earnings: $64,577 2018 earnings: $146,480 Career earnings: $1,168,023 Born:
June 21, 1989, in Milford, Utah
Milford, Utah
Residence: Joined PRCA: World titles:
7 (2012-18)
Wrangler NFR qualifications:
Western Texas College (Snyder)
Professional Career Highlights
★ ★ 2018: Placed in three rounds to rank 10th in the average with 424.5 points on five head. Finished 11th in the world standings with $146,480.Won the Clovis (Calif.) Rodeo; the RAMWilderness Circuit Finals Rodeo (Heber City, Utah); the Guymon (Okla.) Pioneer Days Rodeo; the Meridian (Idaho) Lions Rodeo; the Lynden (Wash.) PRCA Rodeo; the
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