ProRodeo Sports News - April 12, 2024
Kelsey is just one of the “kids” (as Davis refers to his dogs) who have made up Davis’ crew. Made famous in rodeo circles by his Trashcan Dog act, Davis always wanted to be a rodeo clown. The California native was first inspired by the acts he saw at the Oakdale Rodeo as a boy. “You could either find me at the clown trailer asking, ‘Where do I get clown makeup?’ or, ‘Can I be in a clown act?’” Davis recalled. In 1974, then 16-year-old Davis became one of the two youngest bullfighters to earn a ProRodeo card, the other being Frank McIlvain, Jr. Davis’ card includes signatures from legendary PRCA Hall of Famers Robert “Bobby” Christensen Jr. and Gene Clark as well as his mentor William “Wild Bill” Lane. Davis has seen plenty of change during his 50-year career such as transitioning his acts from telling jokes through an announcer to doing it himself on a wireless microphone. He also witnessed his profession change with barrelmen becoming more specialized as entertainers or athletes. For Davis, it is all about getting the laughs. A highlight for Davis was his first National Finals Rodeo performance where he and Kelsey performed in the opening ceremonies. “The night we performed, I went to change in the clown room,” Davis said, “And when I walked down that tunnel, and hearing everybody and knowing that I’m performing in front of 16,000 people – most of them are the peers of rodeo – talk about the hair standing up on the back of your neck! I’ll never forget that feeling of walking down that tunnel.” Davis has decades of memories and notable achievements in the PRCA, including three NFR performances (2000, 2003, and 2006). He also served as the PRCA executive council personnel chairman (2005-2007), PRCA executive council contract personnel at large director (2005-2007), and PRCA national convention committee chairman (2006-2007). Frannie Davis, Bert’s wife, and the other Davis in Davis’ Muttley Crew, said Bert strove to be a selfless leader and drive PRCA to the next level of professionalism during his terms.
“When he was on executive council, it wasn’t what Bert Davis could get out of the executive council… but what benefitted the whole contract personnel membership,” Frannie said. Beyond the PRCA, Bert competed in season five of America’s Got Talent alongside Frannie and the Muttley Crew. Another notable achievement was had in 2012 when Bert became the first to earn a “Trifecta Win” at the International Finals Rodeo Contract Acts Showcase, winning Barrelman Champion, Dress Act Champions, and Comedy Act Champion. Bert continues to give back outside of the arena; he is always happy to visit a hospital or school to spread the happiness only a rodeo clown and 16 dogs can provide. One story always makes Bert “choke up” to tell. When visiting a daycare, Muttley Crew member “Tank” walked offstage and sat in front of a girl. Bert called him back onstage, only for Tank to return to the girl. Eventually, she reached out and Tank leaned in. Bert later discovered the girl had been attacked by a dog and was normally afraid of them. “He let her to make the first move,” Bert said. “And after that it was over – he curled up next to her.” When asked what is next for him, Bert and Frannie made it clear retirement is not in the picture quite yet. “He’s not going to get a standing ovation for getting up in the morning,” Frannie teased. “With me being one of the old guys,” Bert said, “(Rodeo committees) think they need to hire the young guys because they have more energy…but everybody has a dog, so they can relate to our show.” “When I quit, I want people to ask me why I’m quitting,” Bert added. “When I walk away, I want to be on top of my game.” For now, Bert and Frannie will continue to improve the Muttley Crew and show off the “kids” of which they are so proud. “We’re always trying to reinvent the wheel,” Bert said. “They’re our pets, they’re our buddies, they’re everything to us.”
BY KELSI OPAT Special to ProRodeo Sports News B ert Davis – better known as The barrelman specialty act this year. Davis’ career has taken him from the Yukon to Australia with many noteworthy characters and stories in between. One such story Davis enjoys telling is when he introduced Taylor Swift to Kelsey. He described his encounter with the pop star backstage at the National Finals Rodeo when Swift asked to pet canine performer “Kelsey.” “I first planted the idea in her head (to date NFL player Travis Kelce),” Davis said as his roaring laughter matched the rumble of his pickup truck. Andrea Kaus photo Bert and Frannie Davis are showcasing Davis’ Muttley Crew superstar “Mo Mo,” a stray found at the World Champion Barrel Racer Kally Kaminisk’s ranch. This performance took place at the 2019 Banning (Calif.) Stagecoach Days Rodeo. Paws Applause & Coppertown Clown and ringleader of Davis’ Muttley Crew – celebrates 50 years as a registered PRCA clown/ Celebrating Bert Davis’ 50 Years with the PRCA
Bert Davis’ Muttley Crew featuring the “Long Mount,” performs at the 2022 Othello (Wash.) PRCA Rodeo. David Thomas photo
ProRodeo Sports News 4/12/2024
ProRodeo Sports News 4/12/2024
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