ProRodeo Sports News - April 30, 2021


You’ve had a late start to your rodeo career. Why so? Robert: First off, it takes finances. I farm and ranch about 40 miles north of Bismarck by Hensler, N.D. (ProRodeo Hall of Fame saddle bronc rider) Brad Gjermundson and I have been friends for a long, long time, and he lives about 70 miles west of me. He had roped steers some and told me to look for a horse, so I did, and it has been my demise ever since. I got a horse in 2016, and I’ve just been having a blast steer roping. What horse are you riding now? Robert: The first horse I got had a bad knee, and I had to put him down. Now I have a horse called Douglas, and he’s 11. I got him when he was 7. He was started well when I got him, but he wasn’t quite finished. Most of the guys who were roping at the National Circuit Finals Steer Roping, the average age of their horses was probably 15. It just takes a lot of seasoning, and we all can see what seasoning does. Who has been a guy you could lean on since you started steer roping? Robert: Ora (Taton) has been super helpful and supportive. He’s quick to give me help if I need it. What is your family situation? Robert: I have been married to my wife (Bonnie) for 36 years, and we have a son, Luke, who is 31. He doesn’t rodeo. He’s at home getting ready to farm. We’ve built our farm, and the Lord has been really good to us. We grow corn and soybeans on our irrigated ground, and wheat and soybeans on our dry land acres and some edible beans, pinto beans. We also did the feedlot deal for about 32 years, and we have about a 2,000-head feedlot permitted. It’s a good deal but is a job. Was there any life event that changed the course of your life? Robert: My mom never really got to retire. She had breast cancer in her early 60s and got through that, and she got Alzheimer’s when she was 67 and passed away when she was 72. My dad took care of her with the help of a nurse. I come from a family of generational farmers. All they do is farm, and I wasn’t going to do that. If my time on Earth is whatever’s God’s plan, I’m going to enjoy some things I like to do. What was it like winning the National Circuit Finals Steer Roping permit section event? Robert: I turned 59 on April 25, and it was a good birthday present to win the National Circuit Finals Steer Roping permit section event (April 23). I drew good steers, and everything worked. That’s just steer roping. You can think you have it all figured out, and about then a steer stands up or you split the horns and you only rope one side. Steer roping has a fun, competitive bunch of guys who compete in the event, and I like all the people. I like the challenge. What are your steer roping goals? Robert: My goal is to be able to enter either Cheyenne (Wyo.) or Pendleton (Ore.) before I don’t think I can go anymore. I know I am by no means a top 30 roper, but as long as I don’t embarrass my wife, she lets me go. What’s your favorite movie? Robert: I have two: one is “We Were Soldiers” with Mel Gibson and the other is “Lonesome Dove.” What kind of music do you listen to? Robert: I like old country music; guys like Webb Pierce. What’s your favorite restaurant? Robert: I like steakhouses, like Texas Roadhouse. What’s your favorite holiday? Robert: I would say Easter. Is there a sport you enjoy watching? Robert: Hockey. I don’t have a favorite team, I just like good hard play. They don’t have to fight, but they don’t have to give it up in the corners either. bucket list. He turned heads at the National Circuit Finals Steer Roping permit section event April 23 in Torrington, Wyo., sweeping two rounds and the average and earning $977. Tweeten is planning on buying his PRCA card to compete against the world’s top steer ropers. Steer roper Robert Tweeten isn’t your ordinary PRCA permit holder. Tweeten, 59, grew up on a ranch in North Dakota, where hard work was the main priority, not roping. Tweeten, however, made the decision to give steer roping a try and check it off his


ProRodeo Sports News 4/30/2021


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