ProRodeo Sports News - February 2, 2024


Clay Guardipee photos Anna Callaway, Kyle’s wife, and a nurse is his main supporter, and she also competes in breakaway roping like she did above at the RAM Montana Circuit Finals Rodeo in January.

the RAM Montana Circuit Finals Rodeo that season. “He told me then he didn’t want to come back unless he was competing. That’s when I knew he was going to keep going,” Anna said. Kyle competed in 2023 and is back on the road this season “with more fire than ever.” He called the Montana Circuit home in the past, but now competes on the Turquoise Circuit in Arizona. That lunch two years ago seems like a long time ago. Kyle’s scar from 65 staples in his head, however, provides a reminder of what happened and what he and his family have overcome. “Rodeo used to be a thing I had to do. This has changed my perspective. We don’t have to do it. We get to do it,” Kyle said. “I feel lucky to pay an entry fee and run a steer. We have always had horses and cows my entire life. Competing is always something I loved to do. It was fun. I am doing it again because of the help of family and friends. Now, I know it is a privilege.”


compete again,” Anna said. “He was told, ‘You can’t ride a horse after brain surgery.’ It’s not like he was going to tip off. He’s a cowboy.” The conditions for his comeback – relentlessly hot and humid as he recalled – were miserable. Kyle stayed in the air-conditioned rig as Anna saddled his horse. The first run went awful. “I got dragged around for 19 seconds,” Kyle said. “I figured I was done.” But after Kyle received a good draw, Anna cajoled him to give it another chance. He posted a time of 5.0 seconds, tying for fourth place in the round. It might as well have been at the National Finals Rodeo given his journey over the previous several months. “I was sick. I felt horrible. I know I shouldn’t have probably done it,” Kyle said. “But I was proud of placing.” The thought entered Kyle’s mind that this might be it, his rodeo career switching to supporting his wife in breakaway roping. He watched her at

ProRodeo Sports News 2/2/2024


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