ProRodeo Sports News - February 5, 2021


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Future Seer? In 1984, psychic Charol Messenger offered predictions to ProRodeo Sports News on who would win world championships that season. 1984 WORLD CHAMPIONS AA: Dee Pickett (HOF Inductee, 2003) BB: Larry Peabody (HOF Inductee, 2019) SW: John W. Jones Jr. (HOF Inductee, 1996) TR: (Tie) Dee Pickett and Mike Beers (HOF Inductee, 2017) SB: Brad Gjermundson (HOF Inductee, 1995) Psychic made ProRodeo predictions in 1984

TD: Roy Cooper (HOF Inductee, 1979) SR: Guy Allen (HOF Inductee, 1996) GB: Charmayne James (HOF Inductee, 2017) BR: Don Gay (HOF Inductee, 1979)

BY MATT NABER I n August 1984, ProRodeo Sports News assigned 1983’s outstanding contributor Doyle Trent to visit a psychic. Trent would read the psychic a list of names of ProRodeo athletes likely to qualify for the 1984 National Finals Rodeo and the psychic would predict their outcomes. After the Finals, her predictions were published in the Dec. 26, 1984, edition. Charol Messenger, a psychic, was enrolled at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs. Thirty-seven years later, Messenger is still active in her field of work. Neither the PSN staff nor the psychic predicted that each world champion that year would go on to become a ProRodeo Hall of Fame Inductee, though two of them had been induced in 1979. The following are some highlights from her predictions, with the world champions listed in the information box above: • All-Around cowboy Dee Pickett – “My feeling is he has the best chance, the energies are more in his favor. He’s more together. He’s more integrated, and he’s just under more favorable conditions during this period.” • All-Around cowboy Lewis Feild – “Something goes wrong; there’s a change of order, a change of direction …” • Bareback rider Danny Brady – “Favorable. Not as good as should be. He’s not prepared, but he could get himself into better condition if he wished.”

• Bareback rider Lewis Feild – “He has a good chance.” • Steer wrestler Lance Robinson – “Very, very good. This guy is a 10. He has a great amount of potential and if he were groomed properly for the skill level he’s going for there’s no reason why he couldn’t be a winner.” • Team roperMike Beers – “Some kind of entanglement gets in the way.” • Team roper Dee Pickett – “Slow on the gate. Slow coming in.” • Saddle bronc rider Kent Cooper – “Something’s going to distract him. He has a lot of potential, but he’s scattered.” • Tie-down roper Roy Cooper – “Now this guy’s a winner. He has more potential than all of them put together. I don’t give him a 10 but I give him an eight-and-a-half.” • Steer roper Guy Allen – “Moved to the competition.” • Barrel racer Charmayne James – “Not this time. Keep an eye on her.” • Barrel racer Brenda Tyler – “Too much on her mind.” • Bull rider Don Gay – “Not in the running.” • Bull rider Lane Frost – “Almost a tie-breaker between him and Ted Nuce. Very close. I would say Nuce has possibly the better chance of the two.” he full story and list of predictions can be found in the De c. 26, 1984, edition of ProRodeo Sports News that’s available in digital format on

ProRodeo Sports News 2/5/2021


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