ProRodeo Sports News - February 5, 2021
Theriot cashes in with circuit finals performance Chart Topper BY TRACY RENCK S ince buying his PRCA card in 2015, Marcus Theriot has been chasing the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo dream. The Mississippi cowboy has been close to reaching that goal as a team roping header, but the dream has eluded him. Theriot took a small step toward reaching his first Wrangler NFR with an outstanding effort at the RAM Southeastern Circuit Finals Rodeo in Davie, Fla., Jan. 22-23. Theriot earned a rodeo-best $12,060 in team roping and tie-down roping. “I had a good performance down there and I drew pretty good,” saidTheriot, 23. “I was able to capitalize on some unfortunate (things) that happened to other people. This is one of the best rodeos I had in my career (money-wise).” TOP MONEY WINNER Marcus Theriot ($12,060, team roping and tie- down roping) BAREBACK RIDING 1. Taylor Broussard ......... 171 pts. on 2 2. Jacob Raine ............................... 162 3. Tanner Phipps ............................ 161 STEER WRESTLING TOP SCORES Theriot
Theriot’s outing in Davie vaulted him to first in the PRCA | RAMWorld Standings in both the all-around with $15,968 and team roping heading with $11,374. Theriot and Cole Curry, Theriot’s team roping partner and cousin, won the second round with a 4.9-second run and the average in 10.0 seconds on two head. They earned $7,466 each. “Team roping is probably my favorite event, but I enjoy all my events,” said the 6-foot-1, 250-poundTheriot, who also steer wrestles. “Cole and I have been full partners for about two months. We have been roping on and off for a few years and we rope pretty good together, so we thought it might work out to rope full time together. We didn’t have a whole lot to lose by trying it.” In tie-down roping, Theriot placed third in both rounds and took second in the average with 16.8 seconds on two head. He earned $4,594. Theriot and Curry advanced to compete at the RAM National Circuit Finals Rodeo in team roping in Kissimmee, Fla., April 9-10. “Getting to go to Kissimmee is big for me because I’m not in San Antonio, so this will help me out,” Theriot said. Theriot has a simple plan for 2021. “I would love to make the NFR in team roping,” he said. “I think that’s my best shot right now. The only reason I don’t heel is because I don’t have a heel horse.” Theriot’s heading horse is Gato, 11. “He’s a horse I got about a year ago and he has boosted my roping since I got him,” Theriot said. The rodeo world is nothing new toTheriot. His father, Herbert, won the 1994 tie-down roping world title and won a record eight tie-down roping Southeastern Circuit year-end titles. “Rodeo is all I’ve ever known, and I wanted to follow in my dad’s footsteps,” Marcus said. “He’s always giving me advice.” Marcus’ next PRCA rodeo is the Dixie National Rodeo in Jackson, Miss., Feb. 11-17. “I’m just going to try and hit everything I can because this is looking like it’s going to be another crazy year,” Theriot said.
1. Marc Joiner .................. 7.7 sec. on 2 (Tie) Gary Gilbert .......................... 7.7 3. Tyler Waguespack ....................... 8.6 TEAM ROPING 1. M. Theriot/C. Curry .... 10.0 sec. on 2 2. K. Daniel/M. Jones .................... 15.0 3. C. Summers/B. Bockius ............. 15.9 SADDLE BRONC RIDING 1. Cody DeMoss ........... 167.5 pts. on 2 2. Treyson Antonick ..................... 163.5 3. Parker Kempfer .......................... 159 TIE-DOWN ROPING 1. Justin Smith ............... 15.8 sec. on 2 2. Marcus Theriot .......................... 16.8 3. Tatum Miller .............................. 18.6 BARREL RACING 1. Kelley Carrington ...... 29.93 sec. on 2 2. Margo Crowther ...................... 30.14 3. Heather Clemons ..................... 30.33 BULL RIDING 1. Corey Atwell ............. 165.5 pts. on 2 2. Dustin Boquet ................. 86.5 on 1 3. Casey Roberts ........................... 83.5
David Rosenfield photo
Marcus Theriot makes a catch during the RAM Southeastern Circuit Finals. Theriot and his partner and cousin Cole Curry won the average with a 10.0-second time on two head.
Complete results/Page 40
ProRodeo Sports News 2/5/2021
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