ProRodeo Sports News - February 9, 2018
Bareback rider WYATT BLOOM is back in action after a series of injuries during his rookie year in 2017. The 24-year-old Oregonian-turned- Montanan competed on the Montana State University rodeo team from 2013-16 before kicking off his rookie year by winning six rodeos. Despite a broken wrist, dislocated kneecap, torn meniscus and other injuries, Bloomwon $55,019 as a rookie.
You won a lot of money and some big rodeos your rookie year. What sticks out the most to you as the highlight? Wyatt: Well, being 90 was pretty cool – that was at theMcAlester (Okla.) ProRodeo on Hi Lo ProRodeo’sWilson Sanchez. That horse just loves his job and I love riding bucking horses, so it was pretty electric and a lot of fun. I didn’t want it to end. You were No. 2 in the race for the bareback riding rookie of the year award by $2,720. What’s your game plan for the 2018 season?
Wyatt: I had everything and then lost everything at the end last year, but I’ll just take advantage of every opportunity. I found out my wrist was broken last winter, and now they can’t fix it. So I have a long road ahead of me, but I’mexcited to figure it out. I don’t need surgery anymore onmy elbow – last year I brokemy elbow at Salt Lake City and tore the tendon, as well. I started tomake a comeback, but then dislocatedmy kneecap and toremymeniscus in Pendleton (Ore.). I won’t change a lot this year, but I will have some fun and enjoy it more. How did those injuries impact your riding? Wyatt: If they fix it (right wrist) now, my career is over – they would have to shave the bone off. It’s the little bone in your arm. I knew something was up when I’d shake someone’s hand or do a push-up. It just makes those bones pinch, so now I have a new set up in my rigging to help with that, but it makes my hand’s bones pinch when I ride. It doesn’t feel good, but I’ve been figuring out how to get around it. My rigging now twists the opposite way a little. … Instead of having my knuckles facing away fromme, they’re facing into me, but you can’t really tell. How did you overcome all these challenges? Wyatt: I had to change everything, so I could come back. I just love this sport toomuch to not come back. How did you get into rodeo? Wyatt: My family, my dad, that’s all they did growing up. It’s all we really knew. I was a team roper at first. Bareback riding looked like fun, so I picked it up for all- around points. Why do you compete in bareback riding? Wyatt: I just love the feeling of riding. When you’re on a bucking horse, it’s an indescribable feeling. You’re riding something that’s trying to buck you off and you’re just up there effortlessly. It’s a blast and puts a smile on your face. How would you describe your bronc riding style? Wyatt: I try to be super pliable. I can adjust on the fly for the situation. If one guy rides a horse and they ride a certain way, then I’ll try it out. Themore pliable you are, the easier it is on you. How did competing on the Montana State University rodeo team for four years help your ProRodeo career? Wyatt: It gaveme time to develop and it taught me patience. Which rodeo are you looking forward to the most this year? Wyatt: I’m just looking forward to riding bucking horses. But I didn’t get on in Cheyenne (Wyo.) – I had to go home – so I’m looking forward to Cheyenne. Are you picky about your hat’s shape? How do you maintain it? Wyatt: Yeah, as a bareback rider it’s tricky, but I trymy best. I fix the back up and try to take care of it – I like it when they get broken in, but I try to have it look normal. To fix the front, you have to fix the back first. What chore do you absolutely hate doing? Wyatt: I don’t have one that I really hate. Which chore do you actually enjoy doing? Wyatt: I guess up here inMontana, shoveling snow is an excuse to get a workout in and nobody else wants to do it. Who do you travel with and what’s the best part about it?
Wyatt: I’ll be going with JustinMcDaniel and J.R. Vezain. It’s not 100 percent set, but the best part is they are in the same circuit and they’re veterans who knowwhat they’re doing and they’re just positive people. I haven’t gone with themyet since I’ve been hurt, but I’m trying to get back into it since I’mnot having surgery. What’s your favorite song to listen to before a rodeo? Wyatt: “StompMe Out” (by Arc North &Bryce Fox) or “Sail” (by AWOLNATION). What movie do you never get tired of watching?
Wyatt: The first “Kingsman” movie. The second one is kind of crazy, too. What’s the most useful thing you bought with rodeo prize money? Wyatt: I bought a house withmy wife (Raegan). What was your first vehicle? Wyatt: A tan/goldish colored 2001 Cadillac Seville.
ProRodeo Sports News 2/9/18
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