ProRodeo Sports News - January 22, 2021
RODEOS 26 Odessa, Texas 28 Kalispell, Mont. RAMMontana Circuit Finals Rodeo RODEOS 18 2021 PRCA World 20 2021 PRCA Tour 40 2020 Circuits STANDINGS COVER 6 In His Words 8 Hot Takes 10 Grille 12 Brain Teasers 14 He Said-She Said 16 Social Media Spotlight 22 Short Round 38 Results 46 PRCA Notes
Bob Logue looks back
Beyond the call of duty While treating competitors at the 2020 Wrangler National Finals Rodeo, the Justin Sportsmedicine team had to jump through more hoops than normal because of COVID-19 health and safety concerns. 32 PRCA ProRodeo photo by Clay Guardipee Justin Sportsmedicine program manager and certified athletic trainer Chad Smidt tapes bareback rider Tim O’Connell’s shoulder during the 2020 Wrangler NFR.
Bare- back rider Bob Logue overcame pa- ralysis to make 36
the NFR four more times.
ProRodeo Sports News
PRORODEO SPORTS NEWS (ISSN 0161-5815; USPS 469-620) is published semimonthly by the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association, 101 Pro Rodeo Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80919-4301. PERIODICALS postage paid at Colorado Springs, Colo. , and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to ProRodeo Sports News , P. O. Box 469025, Escondido, CA 92046. Subscription rate: $45 for one year, 12 issues. Disclaimer: The ProRodeo Sports News carries advertising as a service to PRCA members and PSN readers. However, publication of advertisements in the PSN does not in any way, whether expressed or implied, commit the PSN to guarantee or warrant any of the merchandise or livestock advertised.
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Winter Frost Cash flows from Odessa
PRCA members: 719.528.4747 Nonmembers: 800.763.3648 _______________ To advertise in the PSN , call: 719.528.4779 PRORODEO SPORTS NEWS 101 ProRodeo Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80919 ©2021, PRCA Properties Inc. , a
Scott Kaniewski PRCA ART DIRECTOR Stephen Olver PHOTOGRAPHY COORDINATOR Carol Lawrence CONTRIBUTING WRITERS INSIDE New season, new team roping pairs
Josh Frost rides Beutler & Son Rodeo’s Ring Master for 86.5 points in Odessa, Texas, Jan. 13. William Kierce photo
marketing service and subsidiary of the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information retrieval system, without permission in writing from PRCA Properties Inc.
Tracy Renck Matt Naber Amber Baillie Julia Plungy ADVERTISING MANAGER Nathan Vodehnal
ProRodeo Sports News 1/22/2021
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