ProRodeo Sports News - July 10, 2020
Dale Miller photo Erich Rogers and Paden Bray tied for third with 12.2 seconds on two head at the World’s Oldest Rodeo in Prescott, Ariz. The $4,043 they earned in Prescott helped push them to the top of the charts for money won during the 2020 Cowboy Christmas run.
important because we don’t know if we will have another rodeo like that,” Bray said. “Cody is a rodeo you want to win, $8,600 is outstanding. There’s a lot of guys without that much won at all. My hat’s off to Cody for having that rodeo, we really appreciate it.” Rogers was just as excited as his Texan partner. “Cowboy Christmas is pretty crucial for us, and we really needed a win to get into the top 10,” Rogers said.
The veteran roper knows what it takes to succeed. In addition to winning his 2017 world title, Rogers, 33, has qualified for the NFR nine times (2011-19). He’s also earned nearly $1.5 million since his rookie year in 2006. “It was a pretty good Fourth of July run for what rodeos we got to go to,” Rogers said, thanking the committees who held rodeos. “We missed going to ones like my hometown rodeo inWindow Rock (Ariz.).”
ProRodeo Sports News 7/10/2020
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