ProRodeo Sports News - July 12, 2019
The following was approved April 16, 2019 and will be in effect immediately Add B2.5.5.6 Freestyle Bullfighters only. This membership will allow members to compete in freestyle bullfight events, however not to participate as a bullfighter at a rodeo until the requirements of B2.5.5 are met. B2. Dues and Fees. Annual dues, fees, and insurance premiums shall be the same as for Contestant Permit Members. B2. Insurance Fee. Bullfighters shall be subject to the insurance fee as set forth in Section B2.5.1.3. B2. Voting Rights. Bullfighters only shall have no voting rights. The following was approved April 24, 2019 and will be in effect immediately Change R10.6.5 No Jerk Down. 1. In the tie-down roping event a contestant will receive no-time for that run if he brings the animal over backwards between 10 and 2 with the animal landing on his back or head with all four feet in the air. a jerk down. The animal must be pulled over backwards with all four feet in the air between 10 and 2, and the animal must land on his head or back first to be considered a jerk down. “On his back” will be defined as the animal’s front feet between 10 and 2 when he impacts the ground. 2. The Tie-Down Roping Event Representative or his appointee must approve the length of the score. 3. At a two judge rodeo if the field flagger is in doubt he may confer with the line judge and if the line judge is not definitive there is not a jerk down violation. 4. At a rodeo that has three judges, the third judge is responsible for calling the jerk down. If the judge is in doubt he may confer with the field flagger and if the field flagger is not definitive there is not a jerk down violation. The following will be in effect May 15 and beyond: Change R1.4.3 Minimum Go-Rounds in Timed Events for Rodeos with Four or More Performances. Rodeos that have four or more performances must have at least two go-rounds in a timed event if the number of Contestant Card Member entries in that event is less than the following (unless otherwise approved at time of rodeo approval): (a) 75 Contestant Card Member entries at a four performance rodeo; (b) 90 Contestant Card Member entries at a five performance rodeo; or (c) 105 Contestant Card Member entries at a six performance rodeo. A rodeo with seven or more performances must have a minimum of two go- rounds. Local entries and Permit Member entries shall not be counted for purposes of determining whether this Rule applies. Notwithstanding any Bylaw or Official Rodeo Rule to the contrary, for purposes of this Rule R1.4.3, a finals shall be considered a performance. The number of Contestant Card Member entries in an event and the number of go-rounds for the event will be determined before the parameters are applied. Once the parameters are applied, an entry who is drawn out of the rodeo due to his parameter will not be placed back into the rodeo. For example, if 80 Contestant Card Members enter a timed event at a four performance rodeo, and ten of those entries submit the parameter “out if one go-round,” the event may be only one go- round (based on the number of Contestant Card Member entries before the parameters are applied) and the ten Contestant Card Members using the “out if one go-round” parameter will be drawn out of (and will not be placed back into) the rodeo. The following will be effective immediately for the 2019/2020 season: The 2019 individual Circuit Finals Steer Roping events (Badlands, Columbia River, Montana, Mountain States, Prairie, Texas, Turquoise) and the 2020 National Circuit Finals Steer Roping will count toward the 2020 World Standings and qualifications. These events will be Official Entry Rodeos (contestant must designate unofficial). If a contestant has not met the required participation count it will be an automatic unofficial entry rodeo for that contestant and will not count toward 2020 World Standings or qualification rodeos. For any Steer Roping Circuit Finals Rodeo that occurs prior to the 2019 regular season cutoff date, money won at those circuit finals rodeos will count toward the 2020 World Standings and qualifications. Official money won at the 2019 Circuit Finals Steer Roping and the 2020 National Circuit Finals Steer Roping will not count toward the All- Around. 2020 Rule Proposals New Rule R1.3.4 Minimum Go-Rounds in the Team Roping for Rodeos with Four or More Performances. Rodeos that have four or more performances and add more than $3,000 in the team roping must have at least two go-rounds. If the rodeo adds less than $2999.99 in the team roping and has less than 4 performances, it will be one go-round. (M. Egusquiza submitted 7/2017) Denied by the Competition Committee Change R11.8.2 Requirements for Roping. Field judge shall drop flag when steer is roped by its head and heels, and both horses are facing steer in line with ropes dallied and tight. Horses’ front feet must be on ground and ropers must be mounted for flag to drop. Steer must be standing up when roped by head and heels. (M. Egusquiza submitted 9/2017) Approved by the Competition Committee Add R8.12.3.1 The use of heifers may be allowed at rodeos that add under $7000 in the team roping if approved by the Team
ProRodeo Sports News 7/12/2019
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