ProRodeo Sports News - August 2, 2019
Rodeo Vegas is always a fan favorite at The Mirage
Wade Sundell (left) waited longer than most to win his first world title, and Trevor Brazile recognized the moment
Besides the world-class athletic competitions, Rodeo Week in Las Vegas includes dozens of concerts, nightly viewing parties featuring the in-arena live video feed, countless after-parties, and the epic displays, entertainment and exhibitors at the RMEF Hunter and Outdoor Expo and Cowboy Christmas. The Wrangler NFR’s magnitude on and off the dirt isn’t lost on the com- petitors, who must deal with a dizzy- ing schedule of appearances, competi- tion prep and other obligations during the 10-day extravaganza. “‘Brilliant’ is a brilliant word to describe the 10 days of the Wrangler NFR,” says Kinsel, a first-time world champion. “For competitors, it’s grueling, but it’s so worth it. There is nothing any of us would rather be doing than grinding it out for the 10
“You never know where I’m going to pop up, but one place you can be sure of is Las Vegas,” Brisby said during a brief break between thumbing out posts. “They shut Las Vegas Boule- vard down for me today so I could get some snapchats. It’s only been done one other time in the 1980s for some NASCAR deal, for another Dale—some guy named Earnhardt or something. Anyway, when I knew it was a go, I reached out to Las Vegas Events and the Wrangler NFR organization, and said, ‘Look, while I’m getting my snapchats and the boulevard is shut down, feel free to bring some world champs out and get some photos. I’ll let you guys get on horseback and piggyback my deal.’” Dale Brisby—always the giver and a legend in his own Resistol.
All kidding aside, there are only a handful of events that have enough juice to close one of the world’s busiest and most famous thoroughfares—and there’s no doubt the Wrangler NFR is one of them. More than 170,000 fans annually attend the 10 sold-out nights of rodeo action at the Thomas & Mack Center, and tens of thousands more stream into Las Vegas to enjoy the associated Wrangler NFR fanfare. Besides the NFR action, other equestrian world championships and titles are determined each Decem- ber, including Bullfighters Only at the Tropicana, the World Series of Team Roping at the South Point, the ALL IN Barrel Race at the Orleans Arena, and the Junior World Finals at the Wrangler Arena in the Las Vegas Convention Center as part of Cowboy Christmas.
days and nights. At the end, we’re tired and worn out emotionally and physically, but we wouldn’t have it any other way. “It’s an important week for fans, as well. They are who power us. We go to our autograph signings throughout the week, and we’re tired and may not be in the greatest mood, but they are so happy to see and meet us, and that empowers us to keep doing our jobs. It’s really neat to see how Las Vegas turns country and great to be at the center of that for 10 days—actually, more when you factor in getting here prior to the event to prepare.” What elevates the Wrangler NFR to a
can’t-miss experience is the amount of thought and planning put in by the many sponsors who support the rodeo and its competitors. And those supporters—even the ones who have been around for decades—are stunned by how the rodeo evolves seemingly every year. “It has been absolutely amazing watch- ing the Wrangler NFR grow year in and year out,” says Ryan Growney, South Point’s general manager and Wrangler NFR Committee member. “I always say there’s no way this thing can get bigger each year, but then every year it does. It’s great to see that the Western lifestyle is alive and well in our country, and there’s no better place to see that
on display than during the NFR each year here in Las Vegas. “At the South Point, our events keep getting bigger and better, as well. Last year, our World Series of Team Roping eclipsed $13 million in total purse over seven days, and I’m told we should be well over that this year. And all the [other] events in the arena continue to grow, including the Western Gift Show. We also will have some fresh entertainment offerings in our show- room this year that our guests haven’t had in years past. And our room re- model project will be completed later this year, so every single room will have been renovated by the time NFR rolls around.”
| 2019
2019 |
Photo: John Plummer.
Photo: Tom Donoghue.
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