ProRodeo Sports News - August 2, 2019
10.3 sec. Trevor Brazile won the steer roping four- head average by a margin of 10.3 seconds. This year ’ s win marks the 19th time Brazile has won either the all-around, steer roping or tie-down roping at the Sheridan rodeo. Déjà vu Five of this year ’ s winners had won an event in Sheri- dan before: Steven Dent ( 2008 ) , Riley Minor ( 2012 ) , Brady Minor ( 2012 ), Caleb Smidt ( 2015 ) and Trevor Brazile ( 1998, 2002, 2013, 2015 and 2018 ) 20 There were 20 ties among the money-winners at this year ’ s Sheridan WYO Rodeo.
Blair Jones’ determination paid off with the biggest win of his ProRodeo career at the Sheridan WYO Rodeo, his first win in nearly three years. Clocking in at 9.1 seconds on two head in Sheridan was worth $4,903.
ProRodeo Sports News 8/2/2019
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