ProRodeo Sports News - August 2, 2019
IN BRIEF RECORDS In addition to Chet John- son setting the saddle bronc riding record at the Spanish Fork Fiesta Days Rodeo, three other records were broken. RECORD NO. 1 For the ninth consecutive year, the Spanish Fork Fiesta Days Rodeo topped its payout. In 2011, the rodeo paid out $ 179,851. That payout has risen every year since. Last year ’ s competitors earned $ 289,453. In 2019, that payout rose to $ 289,543. RECORD NO. 2 Stetson Wright broke the Spanish Fork Fiesta Days Rodeo all-around record by a good margin. The saddle bronc rider and bull rider earned $ 10,006 during the July 19-24 rodeo, eclipsing the pre- vious record by $ 1,296. Josh Peek set the record at $ 8,710 in 2015. Wright won the bull riding ( earn- ing $ 7,276 ) and tied for third in the saddle bronc riding ($ 2,731 ) . RECORD NO. 3 Bareback rider and four- time world champion Kaycee Feild set the rodeo record with a 91-point ride on Frontier Rod eo’ s Delta Ship at the ProRodeo Tour stop. James Sursa and Ryan Gray shared the previous record of 89 points, Sursa setting it in 2006 and Gray matching it three years later. Feild ’ s win marked the third time he ’ d won Spanish Fork.
Steve Gray photo Chet Johnson posted a Spanish Fork (Utah) Fiesta Days Rodeo-record, 89.5-point ride on Frontier Rodeo’s Medicine Woman to win the July 19-24 rodeo.
ProRodeo Sports News 8/2/2019
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