ProRodeo Sports News July 9, 2021


PRCA ProRodeo file photo

Sunni Deb Backstrom Secretary set job’s gold standard BY AMBER BAILLIE S unni Deb Backstrom is well-deserving of ProRodeo Hall of Fame induction in the contract personnel category. Backstrom, of Congress, Ariz., is a 17-time means to me.” After the ProRodeo Hall of Fame induction ceremony was canceled in 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Sunni has had time to digest this ultimate honor. “The first initial excitement has died down, but now I can actually think about it and probably enjoy it more,” she said. Ellen Backstrom was a four-time NFR secretary and

National Finals Rodeo Secretary (1991, 2000, 2003, 2006- 19) who has earned PRCA Secretary of the Year 10 times, more than any other recipient, for her outstanding work as a rodeo secretary. She served as the contestant office manager at the 2005 Finals and three times as an NFR timer (1975, 1980, 1984). Backstrom was at a loss for words when she was notified that she was going into the Hall of Fame as contract personnel. Her mother, Ellen, was inducted under the same category in 1995, making them the first mother and daughter to be inducted into the Hall. “My mom was the first woman inducted into the ProRodeo Hall of Fame,” said Backstrom, 62. “It was one of my proudest days. My entire life is the rodeo industry and always has been. It was my family’s life. It’s very overwhelming, I can’t tell you how much this

was elected in the late ’70s to serve on the PRCA Board of Directors as contract personnel director, making her the only female to ever serve on the Board. She passed away March 22, 1988. “I can only aspire to be half as good as she was,” Sunni Deb said. “She’s the epitome of a great rodeo secretary and loved the industry as much as I do. What I admired most about her was that she was so honest. She was really dedicated, smart and a forward-thinker.” Sunni Deb received her first Rodeo Cowboys Association card in 1968 and her PRCA card in 1976. She works about 120 performances a year for prestigious rodeos such as Denver, San Antonio, Houston, Nampa, Idaho, andWaco, Texas. She has worked for Cervi Championship Rodeo since 1980.

“My entire life is the ro- deo industry and always has been. It was my fam- ily’s life.” – SUNNI DEB PRORODEO HALL OF FAME ProRodeo Sports News 7/9/2021 32

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