ProRodeo Sports News, June 1, 2018
Helping Out First Frontier cowboy Ellsworth brings happiness to kids BY SCOTT KANIEWSKI F or cowboy Olin Ellsworth, going to rodeos to help children with special needs is nothing special. For him, it’s just part of the job. Ellsworth, who rodeos in the First Frontier
Circuit in steer wrestling, tie-down roping and team roping, makes it a point to connect with kids who don’t have it as easy as others. And Ellsworth doesn’t leave that in the arena. He takes it on the rodeo road everywhere he goes. At 5, Parker Sullivan is battling leukemia. He and Ellsworth met a year ago at the North Star Pro Rodeo in Marshfield, Mass. Parker’s mom, Michelle, has a hashtag going for her son: #ParkerStrong. Much of her Facebook page is dedicated to him and his battle with the illness. Parker is known for sporting his bright-red Chuck Taylor Converse shoes. Ellsworth has joined the Parker Strong fight. His horse, Karl, dons red splint boots to stand out at rodeos in support of Parker’s Chuck Taylors. When he can, Ellsworth takes photos of Karl with the splint boots and sends them to Michelle so she, in turn, can show Parker. “I always send Parker pictures,” said
Olin Ellsworth, left, helps Marissa Faust, 10, at the exceptional rodeo at the RAM First Frontier Circuit Finals Rodeo in Harrisburg, Pa., in January. Eva Scofield photo
ProRodeo Sports News 6/1/2018
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