ProRodeo Sports News - June 21, 2024


Cole Walker, 21, is taking the steer by the horns in 2024. The Springtown, Texas, steer wrestler has made his presence felt this season. Walker currently leads the Resistol Rookie of the Year race with $24,844 earned. His biggest payday this season came at the San Angelo (Texas) Stock Show and Rodeo, where he split the win and pocketed $16,547. As of June 17, he sat 23rd in the PRCA | RAM World Standings.


How’d you get your start in rodeo? Cole : My dad (Joe Walker) professional rodeoed for as long as I can remember. He would let me tag along with him and I’ve wanted to do it ever since. When did you know you could make a career out of rodeo? Cole: As I got older in high school, I started gaining a little weight, getting stronger and reaching my full ability. Then when I was a senior and into college, I started being able to take an average steer and place on him. That’s kind of when I had a good idea that I could do this professionally. Then having Cade Staton’s horse (FedEx) under me I gained even more confidence. Why did you decide steer wrestling would be your event?

Cole: My dad was a steer wrestler, and we’d get to go to the rodeos with him. I’d also be in the practice pen with him and be able to slide the dummy and grab ahold of the smaller steers. So, steer wrestling was just always my deal. Did you do any other rodeo events growing up? Cole: In junior high I did it all. I goat tied, breakaway roped, and all that other stuff. Then in high school I calf roped, and team roped some as well. But all I do now is steer wrestle. Why did you decide to get your PRCA card this season? Cole: When I asked to get on Cade’s horse in Rosenburg (Texas) in October I had no plans on buying my card. I rode FedEx there and then again at Hempstead the next morning. I was 3.4 (seconds) there. So, I was having success and knew I would get into RodeoHouston for sure. I thought why not buy it at that point. What have you learned during your Resistol Rookie season? Cole: One of the things I’ve learned is you don’t need to put more pressure on yourself. It’s just another rodeo, it’s just another steer, it’s just another run. I’ve also learned that you can’t be negative, and you can’t be mad about a run because that stuff will stick with you and you won’t win after that. Who’s someone you look up to in the rodeo business right now?

Cole: I definitely look up to my dad and I call him every time I need some advice. Someone going down the road that I look up to right now would be Will Lummus. He’s always helped me out and he’s always positive. He can bulldog with the best of them, and he has such a great mindset. What’s one rodeo you want to win before your career is over? Cole: I would love to make the Finals, win a round, win the average, and win the world someday of course. This year, with the ones I’m entered in, I would really like to win Calgary. I really want to win that bronze statue. What’s your favorite movie? Cole: I just watched it the other day, I’m going to have to go with Smokey and the Bandit . What’s your go-to restaurant before or after a rodeo? Cole: Being in Texas, I really like Taco Casa. That’s definitely my go-to restaurant for sure. What’s the first vehicle you drove? Cole: It was a 1993 gold four-door long bed Ford. I think that thing had over 300,000 miles on it at least. Do you have a favorite candy? Cole: I love the Reese’s Outrageous candy bars. What do you enjoy doing when you’re not rodeoing? Cole: Like everyone says, I like to go play golf, but I’m not very good at it. I also like just being outdoors and fishing when I can. What’s your favorite holiday? Cole: I’d have to go with Christmas. It brings everyone together and I get to see a lot of family I don’t normally get to see. What type of music do you like listening to? Cole: I’m for sure an old country music guy. George Jones and Conway Twitty are my favorites there’s no doubt about that.

ProRodeo Sports News 6/21/2024


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