ProRodeo Sports News - June 21, 2024
A Look Back at Rodeo A glance at the PRCA historical archives
PRCA ProRodeo file photo GOLD STANDARD: ProRodeo Hall of Fame team ropers Jake Barnes and Clay O’Brien Cooper share a light moment in this archive photo. Barnes and Cooper set the gold standard in team roping, winning seven PRCA World Championships from 1985-89 and 1992 and 1994.
Ferrell Butler photo DALLAS CHAMPIONS: From left, bull rider Paul Mayo, saddle bronc rider Bobby Berger, steer wrestler Will Harris, bareback rider Harry Tompkins, and calf roper and all-around cowboy Dean Oliver all smile after winning the Champions of Dallas All-Star Rodeo in 1965.
ProRodeo Sports News 6/21/2024
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