ProRodeo Sports News - March 9, 2018
Hayes Smith and Clint Summers team roped in Puyallup, Wash., Sept. 8, 2017. The 2018 Wrangler ProRodeo Tour will conclude in Puyallup, Sept. 6-9. Kent Soule photo
NewWrinkle Wrangler ProRodeo Tour to pay dividends for cowboys in ’18
rodeos will have the opportunity to earn Tour points and qualify for the Justin Finale in Puyallup. “The Wrangler Pro Rodeo Tour format allows
During the 2018 season, PRCA cowboys will have the ability to compete in a new tour – the Wrangler ProRodeo Tour – which is set to begin in April. The Tour will feature 23 rodeos – beginning with Logandale, Nev. (April 11-15) and concluding with the Finale presented by Justin Boots, Sept. 6-9 in Puyallup, Wash.
contestants the opportunity to earn points and qualify for the Justin Finale in Puyallup, Wash., in September,” said Jeff Chadwick, director of special events for Wrangler WesternWear. “Having eachWPRT rodeo livestreamed, half
onWrangler Network and half on, allows fans and PRCA members and their families to watch these rodeos in real time. We value our partnership with these great PRCA rodeos in enabling us to bring these events live, in addition to the Justin Finale and four other rodeos that will be on a delayed broadcast on CBS Sports Network.” Tom Feller, director of event marketing, Justin Brands Inc., also is happy to have the Justin Brands associated with the Wrangler Tour.
“Wrangler has been an outstanding partner to the PRCA and the sport of rodeo for a long time, so it only makes sense that they would be the sponsor of our premier tour,” said PRCA CEOGeorge Taylor. “This new tour is something that contestants and rodeo fans alike can be excited about, and it will only add to the great regular season the PRCA already offers.” With the Wrangler Tour, all cowboys eligible to compete in the tour
ProRodeo Sports News 3/9/18
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