ProRodeo Sports News - May 10, 2024


How’d you get your start in rodeo? Cooper: I started riding sheep when I was three and I’ve always wanted to be a bull rider. The sheep riding kind of kicked it off and I started working my way up through junior rodeos and high school rodeos. I just stuck with it from that point. When did you know you could make a career out of rodeo? Cooper: My junior year of high school I stopped playing football and rodeoed full time. I ended up winning the average title and the state title at the finals. That’s kind of when I flipped the switch and realized that I could make a career out of it. Why did you decide bull riding and saddle bronc riding would be your events? Cooper: I always wanted to be a bull rider and when I was younger I kind of didn’t like the bronc riding. Then as I got into junior high, I was watching the NFR one year and I said man, ‘bronc riding looks really cool.’ So, I bought myself a saddle and started riding saddle bronc steers and moved through high school with it. I love both these events and couldn’t give one up. Did you do any other rodeo events growing up? Cooper: I breakaway roped a little bit whenever I was really young, but it’s mainly been bull riding and saddle bronc. Why did you decide to get your PRCA card this season? Cooper: I figured I have such a good shot at doing it and know what I can do. I believe in myself whole heartedly that I can make the Finals this year. So, I just figured I would crack out when I was young and make a run at it. What have your learned during your Resistol Rookie season? Cooper: I’ve learned how hard I have to rodeo to be successful, but at the same time how I can’t let it affect my head. Especially in bull riding, where if you stay on 50 percent of them, you’re doing a great job. Who’s someone you look up to in the rodeo business right now? Fresh out of high school, 18-year-old Cooper James, is making his presence felt in ProRodeo. As of May 8, the Erda, Utah, all-around cowboy sits 14th in the PRCA | RAM World Standings in bull riding with $46,642. He also competes in saddle bronc riding. James’ biggest payday this season came after a second-place finish at the Angelina Benefit Rodeo in Lufkin, Texas, where he pocketed $4,382. James also leads the Resistol Rookie of the Year race.


Cooper: I’ve got two guys who come to mind right away, Lefty Holman and Clayton Sellars. I really look up to Lefty, he’s such a positive guy all the time and he works really hard at everything he does. I also travel with Clayton. You know he’s taught me about setting goals and believing in yourself. There’s nobody with a better winning mindset than Clayton. What’s one rodeo you want to win before your career is over? Cooper: I think everyone would probably say the NFR and it’s definitely on my list. But I really want to win Cheyenne (Wyo.) one day as well. What’s your favorite movie? Cooper: I’d probably have to go with Step Brothers . What’s your go-to restaurant before or after a rodeo? Cooper: If we are ever in Utah or Salt Lake City we have to go with the Red Iguana. It’s great Mexican food. All the rodeo guys go to it when they are here. What’s the first vehicle you drove? Cooper: It was a dark blue 2004 Dodge RAM 2500.

Do you have a favorite sports team? Cooper: I follow sports a little bit outside of rodeo, I really like the University of Utah. What do you enjoy doing when you’re not rodeoing?

Cooper: I like fishing and being by the ocean when I can. Whenever I’m home I like to break colts and ride horses on my own. What’s your favorite holiday? Cooper: I’d probably have to go with Christmas because I get to receive gifts and give them of course. What type of music do you like listening to? Cooper: I really like listening to anything from country music to rap music to 1980s and 90s rock. My favorite band is Motley Crue.

ProRodeo Sports News 5/10/2024


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