ProRodeo Sports News - May 15, 2020

AT HOME VIEWING What to Stream? Cowboys talk about their binge-watching pleasures With rodeos on hold due to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, cowboys have found themselves with a lot of unexpected free time. They are finding ways to keep busy during the quarantine, and one way is binge watching TV shows or movies via cable, satellite or streaming. ProRodeo Sports News decided to find out what’s keeping some cowboys glued to the tube.

RHEN RICHARD Three-time Wrangler National Finals Rodeo

TONY REINA Five-time qualifier for the Clem McSpadden National Finals Steer Roping (2013-14, 2017-19) and one NFR qualification in tie-down roping (1999) “Chicago P.D.,” “Chicago Fire” and “Chicago Med,” TV shows on NBC My wife, Kelly, got me into watching those shows. I don’t usually want to watch TV that long. We started watching that series of shows, and it’s been a regular thing. They are kind of tied together, you have to watch one to watch the others. The series is cool and intriguing. I have two daughters (Bailey, 23, and Rylee, 16), and they watch the shows, too. Bailey is married and lives right down the road in Wharton (Texas). We are a pretty close-knit group. I have my whole bunch right here. I feel like I’m the luckiest guy in the world if my kids still want to hang around me and one that is married and grown. If they want to be right here, it thrills me to death. HUNTER CURE Two-time steer wrestling world champion (2013, 2015) and five-time Wrangler NFR qualifier (2009, 2013, 2015, 2018-19) “Designated Survivor,” TV series that aired from 2016-19, streaming on Netflix I turned the TV on in our bedroom for the first time in a year. The TV doesn’t come on much here at our house, but it actually has during this (pandemic). My wife (Bristi) and I have been watching “Designated Survivor.” Kiefer Sutherland is the star of the show. We’re able to catch two to three episodes a week, which is a lot of TV watching for us. We never watched “Designated Survivor” before, but now we made some time. We are only working 10- to 12-hour days instead of 16. – Tracy Renck

qualifier – tie-down roping (2018-19) and team roping heading (2018) “Gunsmoke,” Western TV show that aired from 1955-75 That’s a legendary Western. I watch Gunsmoke every night on channel 364 on DirecTV. I love that show. I also have been watching a lot of things on The Cowboy Channel. I have watched a lot of the NFR it (Cowboy Channel) has been airing. They have been fun to watch. WINN RATLIFF Bareback rider and four-time qualifier for the Wrangler NFR (2012, 2014-16) “ 40 Nights of NFR” and “20 More Nights of NFR” airing on The Cowboy Channel. I’ve been watching those NFR broadcasts and have been watching the Tour Finales on The Cowboy Channel. I watched my rides from the 2014 and 2015 NFRs. I have the NFR DVD from the ones I qualified for, but when it is on The Cowboy Channel you get to hear the commentary. When I watch, I’m always trying to critique myself. I could have done this a little better or that was a good ride. It’s neat. Ever since I was little, I have always watched the NFR. It’s a bittersweet feeling if you’re not competing there, but I enjoy cheering on my friends who are there and root for them.

ProRodeo Sports News 5/15/2020


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