ProRodeo Sports News - May 18, 2018
BY MATT NABER B areback rider Jason Jeter pulled a complete 180 on the common Western trope of riding into the sunset after retiring from ProRodeo competition. The six-time qualifier for the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo hung up his spurs and picked up a hunting scope as he switched gears from cowboy to international hunter. “I love the (rodeo) lifestyle, you’re in a different town every night and you see places few people get to see, and every day was a new adventure,” Jeter said. “Pete Hawkins and I would equate it to being a rock star without the money.” Adventure was always on the Texas cowboy’s agenda. While most cowboys are running and gunning to rodeos in August, Jeter took the month off one year to go hunting in Africa. Jason Jeter
Bareback rider Jason Jeter placed ninth in the average at the 2003 Wrangler NFR with 813.5 points on 10 head. PRCA ProRodeo file photo
Jason Jeter trades spurs for scopes as an international hunter
“Being world champion was important, but so was my play time with hunting,” Jeter said. Jeter has hunted across North America, Russia, Spain, three African countries and Azerbaijan. “It’s fun to hunt with him because of the knowledge he has in adjusting for elevation and wind,” said Jeter’s longtime friend and former steer wrestler John Hill, adding that he considers Jeter a professional hunter. Jeter and Hill recently returned from Spain after hunting for beceite ibex, a type of mountain goat with large horns. Jeter, 44, is also part owner of his family’s metal fabrication business. The rest of his time is spent on hunting trips, though he also helps on Hill’s ranch and guides hog hunts there, often at night. “It’s like special-ops, but without worrying about people shooting back,”
ProRodeo Sports News 5/18/2018
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